Bura haal hai HWH-NDLS sector ka.
Notice the TAT of trains below -
Purushottam Exp - 18.5 hrs
LKO Mail - 15 hrs
LKO AC Exp - 16 hrs
more... Exp - 11 hrs
PRYJ Humsafar - 16.5 hrs
Vaishali Exp - 16 hrs
Prayagraj Express - 15 hrs
Mahamana Exp - 10.5 hrs
Shiv Ganga Exp - 11.5 hrs
BSBS/BUI Exp - 12.5 hrs
These are most of the trains coming from GZB side to NDLS, having a TAT of more than 10 hrs. Let's see how many of these trains would be shifted owing to the supposed "yard remodelling and space creation" of NDLS. The trains having much higher TAT were not targeted but the easier target from Bengal was made the scapegoat.
please wait...Translate to EnglishThe situation in the HWH-NDLS sector is bad.
Notice the travel time (TAT) of the trains below:
* Purushottam Express - 18.5 hours
* LKO Mail - 15 hours
* LKO AC Express - 16 hours
* Poorva Express - 11 hours
* PRYJ Humsafar - 16.5 hours
* Vaishali Express - 16 hours
* Prayagraj Express - 15 hours
* Mahamana Express - 10.5 hours
* Shiv Ganga Express - 11.5 hours
* BSBS/BUI Express - 12.5 hours
These are most of the trains coming from GZB side to NDLS, having a TAT of more than 10 hours. Let's see how many of these trains would be shifted owing to the supposed "yard remodelling and space creation" of NDLS. The trains having much higher TAT were not targeted but the easier target from Bengal was made the scapegoat.