PNR Forum changes:
In the past few months, the number of mixed-status PNRs has grown significantly - partially confirmed, partial RAC, partial WL. In such situations, our visitors want predictions on the least favorable status, i.e. they don't care for the already Confirmed seats, but want chances on the WL seats. Our past policy considered the entire PNR as Confirmed if even one seat was Confirmed, and Predictions were disabled. There have been some criticisms on this policy.
In light of the above, the following changes are now effective:
more... If there is even one seat WL or RAC, Prediction WILL be allowed till Charting time. You are now predicting on the least favourable status. For instance, if you predict WL, then you are effectively saying "there will be at least one seat in the WL status at Charting time". If you predict RAC, then you are saying that "there will be no seat in the WL status. There will be at least one seat in RAC at Charting Time". If you predict "Confirmed", then you are predicting that "there will be no seat in RAC or WL at Charting time. All non-cancelled seats will be confirmed.
2. Stamping. Same as above. Least favourable status. If there is at least one seat in WL at Charting time, then the status of the whole PNR should be stamped WL. If there is at least one seat in RAC at Charting time, and the rest of the seats are Confirmed, then the status of the entire PNR should be stamped RAC.
3. Cancelled seats don't count. If a PNR started with 1 WL, 1 RAC, 3 Confirmed seats. If at Charting time, the WL and RAC seats were Cancelled. Then the status of the entire PNR should be stamped Confirmed (from the logic in Step 2).
4. If there were errors in stamping, Admins will now be able to re-stamp and correct recently stamped PNRs.
The above changes are effective hereafter in the future. Past predictions, stampings and past scores will be unaffected.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused due to the change in logic. As always, the site is forever changing in response to criticism, feedback, suggestions and usage. Please let us know if there are any bugs, or if any aspect of the above logic is ambiguous.