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Blog Entry# 5534830
Posted: Nov 03 2022 (19:13)

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Last Response: Dec 18 2022 (01:30)
General Travel

Nov 03 2022 (19:13)  
ForeverRailfan^~   61191 blog posts
Entry# 5534830              
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“Know your Railway”Series* Rules for carrying Pet Dogs in Trains & Procedure for Booking

Indian Railways undertakes transportation of animals such as elephants, Horses, Mules, sheep, goats, dogs and other animals and birds. When it comes to transportation of pet dogs, train is always considered the preferred mode of transport.

Railways provide safe and affordable transport for pet dogs. Passengers have the option of carrying it along with them in first AC accommodation or it can be booked as luggage in luggage-cum-Brake Van under the supervision of the Train Manager (Guard) of the train.

The passenger/pet owner desirous of carrying the Pet dog by train is expected to follow the rules laid down by Railways as given below:

In carriage with passengers:

·The passenger must book accommodation in AC-First Class or First Class in 2-berth Coupe or 4-berth Cabin exclusively so that the passenger(s) can travel along with the pet dog. It may be noted that passengers not in possession of AC-First Class/First Class Cabin/Coupe tickets are not permitted to carry their pet dogs along with them during journey.Pet dogs are not allowed to be carried in any other class of accommodation other than AC-first class and first class.

·Only o­ne dog will be allowed per Passenger Name Record (PNR).

·The dog must be brought to the luggage/parcel office for booking at least 3 hours in advance of the departure of the train, whether the passenger holds PRS ticket or o­nline ticket booked through IRCTC, upon confirmation of the allotment in AC-First/First Class Cabin/Coupe after charting.

·Prescribed charges in luggage rates as applicable will be collected for the pet dogs to be carried along with the passenger in AC First Class/First Class coupe

·Dogs are not allowed to be carried in AC2 tier, AC 3 tier, AC Chair Car, Sleeper Class and Second Class Compartments.

·If fellow passengers subsequently object to the dog remaining in the compartment, it will be removed to the Guard's van, no refund is given.

·If a passenger is caught carrying dogs without proper booking, penalty will be levied. Owner of the dog will be charged at six times Scale-L luggage rates subject to a minimum of Rs.30 by Indian Railways.

·Fitness certificate from a Veterinary Doctor citing that the dog is not suffering from any infectious/contagious diseases must be obtained 24-48 hrs before journey and must be mandatorily submitted along with vaccination cards at the time of booking.

·Passengers will be solely responsible for the safe carriage of dogs. Owners should make their own arrangements for water and food for the dog during the journey.

Puppies in basket

·Puppies can be carried in baskets in all the classes of accommodation. Passengers carrying the puppies in baskets should hold a confirmed ticket and valid proof of identity. Fitness certificate from a Veterinary Doctor citing that the dog is not suffering from any infectious/contagious diseases must be obtained 24-48 hrs before journey and must be mandatorily submitted along with vaccination cards at the time of booking. Prescribed luggage charges as applicable will be levied for booking. The passenger will be solely responsible for safe carriage of puppies in the basket.

In Brake Van

·The passengers can book their pet dogs for carriage in the Dog-box available in luggage-cum-Brake Van (of conventional ICF coaches), under the supervision of the Train Manager (Guard) of the train. o­nly o­ne dog will be allowed in a dog-box at a time

·The passenger must hold a confirmed/reserved ticket (for journey in the train in which his pet dog is booked) and proof of identity

·The dog must be taken to the luggage office, at least 3 hrs in advance of the departure of the train.

· Prescribed charges in luggage rate will be collected for dog booking. The receipt (Guard’s foil) obtained should be submitted to the Guard of the train at the originating station.

·The passenger/pet owner must ensure that the dog is properly chained with a mouth guard before the dog is boarded in the Brake Van and kept inside the dog box.

·At the destination station the passenger foil of the receipt must be produced to the Guard

·It is the responsibility of the passenger to provide drinking water and food (biscuits etc) for the dog traveling in brake van

·Fitness certificate from a Veterinary Doctor citing that the dog is not suffering from any infectious/contagious diseases must be obtained 24-48 hrs before journey and must be mandatorily submitted along with vaccination cards at the time of booking.

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(* Note: A series o­n “Know your Railway” is an initiative by PR department of Southern Railway to bring out various facts about Railway operations, its man power and its infrastructure and amenities in Railway stations, etc for the awareness of general public)


An informative video o­n Booking of pet Dogs in Trains

click here

Src: click here

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