जोधपुर रेल्वे स्टेशन पुनर्विकास कार्य जारी !!
पुरानी स्टेशन बिल्डिंग तोड़कर नई विश्व स्तरीय स्टेशन बिल्डिंग का काम शुरू, प्लेटफॉर्म की संख्या 5 से बढ़कर 7 होगी।
please wait...Translate to EnglishJodhpur Railway Station Redevelopment Work in Progress!!
Demolition of the old station building and construction of a new world-class station building has begun. The number of platforms will increase from 5 to 7.
please wait...Translate to HindiJodhpur Railway Station Punarvikash Kaam Jaari!!
Purani Station Building Todkar Nai Vishva Stareeya Station Building Ka Kaam Shuru, Platform Ki Sankhya 5 Se Badhkar 7 Hogi.