Electrification News: I Am Happy That OHE Wiring Work Has Started in SLGR to DBRG Section Where DMGN to DBRG OHE Poles Erected When I Visited in 29 October there were no Poles. NFR Will Target 97 Kms First with Connection to DBRG via SLGR SRTN Via NTSK is 145 Kms + 55-60 Kms Approx Linking Ledo/Dangari with NTSK as I Have Seen no Works for OHE foundation Works. Wiring is Complete Till SLGR. They Might Do Inpection in Jan 2024 when DIBRUGARH is under Electric Wires via Sibsagar SRTN
Q: How early can I book Indian Railway train tickets?
A: The Advance Reservation Period (ARP) for all classes of General Quota tickets is 120 days prior... more...
to the date of your journey. In the case of Tatkal and Premium Tatkal tickets, bookings are open only one day prior to the date of journey. This is applicable for tickets booked online as well as through the PRS counters at stations.
Q: Can I book train tickets on the date of journey?
A: Yes. If seats/berths are available on a train, you can book tickets – both General Quota tickets and Tatkal Quota tickets – till the chart preparation. Typically, the first chart is prepared about 4 hours prior to the scheduled departure of the train from the originating station.
Q: What is current train ticket booking?
A: Current booking is a type of train ticket reservation where passengers are allowed to book tickets in a train after the preparation of the first chart, subject to the availability of seats. Current reservation can only be done online and this facility is stopped 30 minutes before the train’s departure so that the final chart can be prepared.
Q: What is the booking time window for Tatkal tickets?
A: Tatkal ticket bookings for AC classes start at 10:00 am on the day prior to the date of journey. For non-AC classes such as Sleeper Class (SL) and reserved Second Seater (SS), Tatkal reservation opens at 11:00 am onwards. This is applicable for individuals (not agents) booking Tatkal tickets through their IRCTC accounts or through reservation counters.
Q: Can I book train tickets through the IRCTC website at night?
A: Yes. However, you cannot book tickets through IRCTC website and app from 11:45 pm to 12:20 am (IST), every night.
LHB Coach Codes✴️✴️ ------------------------------------------ Code Type 🔸LWFAC A/C First Class Coach 🔸LWFCWAC Composite A/C First Class + A/C 2-tier Sleeper Coach 🔸LWFCWACA Composite... more...
A/C First Class + A/C 2-tier Sleeper Coach (with pneumatic secondary suspension 🔸LWACCW A/C 2-tier Sleeper Coach 🔸LWACCN A/C 3-tier Sleeper Coach 🔸LWACCNE A/C 3-tier Economy Sleeper Coach 🔸LWACCNA A/C 3-tier Sleeper Coach (with high-capacity air spring suspension 🔸LWFCZAC A/C Executive Chair Car 🔸LWSCZAC A/C Chair Car 🔸LWCBAC A/C Hot Buffet Car 🔸LWACCNHM A/C 3-tier Sleeper Coach for Humsafar Trains 🔸LCBACHM A/C Hot Buffet Car for Humsafar Trains 🔸LWCZDAC A/C Double Decker Chair Car 🔸LWCTZAC A/C Vistadome Chair Car 🔸LWSCN Non A/C 3-tier Sleeper Coach 🔸LWSCZ Non A/C Chair Car 🔸LWSCZA Non A/C Chair Car (with air spring secondary suspension) 🔸LWLRRM Brake, Luggage cum Generator Car 🔸LSLRD Brake, Luggage cum Underslung Generator Car 🔸LWLRRMD Non A/C EOG/HOG compliant Brake, Luggage cum Generator Van Coach (with on-board 1x500kVA DA set) with compartment for Divyangan passengers 🔸LSDD Second Class - Non A/C Deen Dayalu LS Second Class (overcrowding capacity 145) 🔸LS-2 Second Class (overcrowding capacity 200) 🔸LS-3 Second Class (overcrowding capacity 225) 🔸LS-4 Second Class (overcrowding capacity 260) 🔸LS-5 Second Class (overcrowding capacity 300) 🔸LPVH High capacity parcel van without luggage racks
basically, I am from Kareli. I went to transfer my ticket to Kareli railway station and Narsinghpur railway station. At first, the reservation counter person does not know about it. They called someone and asked for information. And the conclusion is, I have to visit Jabalpur for this atleast 48hr before boarding. I went to Jabalpur booking office. They said I had to go to the commercial department in the DRM office. I went there, then I came to know about the officer takes the application with in first shift and give the approved letter at 5 PM. They won’t listen to anything, even if you are in a hurry or you have very important work to do. you can request for this ticket transfer max. upto 24hr before chart preparation. Then I went to the chief booking officer (not on the reservation counter) at the reservation centre. He was about to leave as it was 5 pm. I requested a lot. Somehow he did it. Since I have an E-ticket, I didn’t get any new ticket or acknowledgement after this modification. I could get it if I had a PRS ticket.
Documents needed for transferring ticket
1. Photocopy of ID card of requester and passenger who is going to travel 2. Proof of relationship (only blood relation and spoce are allowed) 3. Two photo copy of ticket 4. Written application 5. Filled Reservation form
You will get approval letter from DRM office that needs to be submit at chief reservation officer who is not available at every station
Chief reservation officer will be available at that booking center of station where DRM office exist
A lot of discussion has taken place in the past in IRI about change of the passenger's name in case of a reserved ticket. There have been several queries and suggestions as to how this is to be done. The guidelines are available in the FAQ section. But has anyone in IRI reported having successfully undergone this experience of a change of name. Not as far as I am aware. Well here is documentary evidence of my own endeavour to change reservation in my son's name to that of my daughter. After a great ordeal I emerged triumphant in the end. To begin with the application by my son seeking transfer of the reservation to his sister. Please... more...
note the remarks by the Station Manager at the right hand bottom corner .
जानिए कैसे ट्रेन टिकट हो सकता है ट्रांसफर, कौन-कौन उठा सकता है फायदा: ---- रेलवे आरक्षण टिकट पर छपा होता है कि यह टिकट नॉन ट्रांसफरेबल है। लेकिन रेलवे ने ब्लड रिलेशन में कन्फर्म टिकट दूसरे के नाम ट्रांसफर करने की सुविधा दे रखी है। कोई भी यात्री अपना कन्फर्म टिकट अपने बेटे, भाई या पिता के नाम ट्रांसफर करा सकता है। नाम परिवर्तन कराने के लिए आरक्षण सुपरवाइजर के नाम अर्जी देकर ब्लड रिलेशन का प्रमाण पेश करना होगा। इस नियम में एक शर्त यह है कि रियायती दर पर लिया गया... more...
टिकट ट्रांसफर नहीं होगा। मसलन पिता का टिकट सीनियर सिटीजन कन्सेशन रेट का है तो वह उसके बेटे के नाम ट्रांसफर नहीं किया जाएगा। बहन, बेटी या पत्नी के नाम टिकट ट्रांसफर करने की सुविधा दी गई है। .... *ये होंगे प्रमाण पत्र: एक राशन कार्ड में टिकट धारी व उसका टिकट ट्रांसफर कराने वाले भाई, बहन, पत्नी, माता-पिता के नाम दर्ज होंगे तो मान्य किया जाएगा। दोनों व्यक्तियों के पेन कार्ड, मतदाता पहचान पत्र जैसा कोई दस्तावेज जिनसे ब्लड रिलेशन साबित हो, प्रस्तुत करने होंगे। साथ ही एक एप्लीकेशन भी देनी होती है जिसमें ना जाने का कारण लिखना होता है। साथ ही यह भी लिखना होगा कि उनके स्थान पर कौन जा रहा है। ... किसको ट्रांसफर हो सकता है टिकट *स्टूडेंट्स: शैक्षणिक भ्रमण, शोध या टूर्नामेंट में भाग लेने जाने वाले छात्रों के नाम भी रेल आरक्षण सूची में बदले जा सकते हैं बशर्ते स्कूल या कॉलेज के प्रधान को छात्र छात्राओं के नाम बदलने का विभागीय पत्र रेलवे रिजर्वेशन सुपरवाइजर के नाम यात्रा से 48 घंटे पूर्व जारी करना होगा। *समूह कर्मचारी: सरकारी महकमा या रजिस्टर्ड कंपनी के विभागीय काम, कांफ्रेंस या सेमिनार में भाग लेने जाने वाले कर्मचारियों के ग्रुप रिजर्वेशन में से अगर कुछ कर्मचारियों का यात्रा कार्यक्रम निरस्त हो जाए और उनके बदले दूसरे कर्मचारियों को भेजा जाए तो आरक्षण टिकट पर यात्रियों के नाम परिवर्तित हो सकते हैं। उस महकमे के हेड को आरक्षण सुपरवाइजर के नाम पत्र जारी कर उल्लेख करना होगा कि किन कर्मचारियों के स्थान पर कौन से दूसरे कर्मचारी यात्रा करेंगे। *बाराती: शादी-ब्याह के आयोजक बाहर जाने वाली बारात में जाने वाले रिश्तेदारों, मित्रों व परिचितों के आरक्षण कई दिनों पूर्व करा लेते हैं। विवाह का दिन पास आने तक कुछ रिश्तेदार जरूरी काम आ जाने से बारात में नहीं जा पाते हैं। अपने स्थान पर घर के दूसरे सदस्य को भिजवा देते हैं। शादी समारोह के आयोजक को ट्रेन रवानगी से 48 घंटे पूर्व अर्जी देकर परिवर्तित बारातियों के नाम टिकट बदलवाने होंगे। ------ Go : /news/post/168415 #Anand
If the passenger 3 is a member of passenger 2's family, meaning, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter, Husband and Wife, change of name is permitted i.e. with official permission passenger 3 can travel in place of passenger 2. Change of name is permitted under the following circumstances: 2. Chief Reservation Supervisor of important stations are authorized by Railway Administration to permit the change of name of a passenger having a seat or berth reserved in his name in the following circumstances namely : (a)... more...
Where the passenger is a Government Servant, proceeding on duty and appropriate authority, makes a request in writing 24 hours before the scheduled departure of trains (b) Where the passenger makes a request in writing 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the train that the reservation made in his name may be transferred to another member of his family, meaning, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter, Husband and Wife. (c) Where the passengers are students of a recognized educational institution and the Head of the institution makes a request in writing 48 hours before the scheduled departure of the train, that the reservation made in the name of any student be transferred to any other student of the same institute. (d) Where the passengers are members of a marriage party and any person deemed to be Head of such party makes a request in writing 48 hours before the scheduled departure of the train that the reservation made in the name of any member of the marriage party be transferred to any other person. (e) Where the passengers are a group of cadets of National Cadet Corps and any officer who is the head of the group, makes a request in writing at least 24 hours before the departure of the train that the reservation made in the name of any cadet be transferred to any other cadet. Such request will be granted only once. Regarding item no. (c), (d) and (e), such request for change in excess of 10% of the total strength of group shall not be granted.
In UIC Bogie there will be Leaf Spring in it. The Maximum speed of this bogies are 75kmph only. These Bogies are used in Military Wagons(DBKM). These are very less amount of Bogies in INDIAN RAILWAY.
Casnub Bogie - These are 2types i.e., Non BMBS and BMBS type Bogies
In BMBS type Bogies the break cylinder is fixed in bogie itself. Knorr Premise & Escort are leading makers of Break Cylinders for Wagons.
Break Cylinder and *Slack Adjustor Barrel is absent under Wagon since the Break Cylinder is present in bogie.
In Non BMBS bogie there is no break cylinder in bogie. The break cylinder is fixed under the wagons and SAB* is present under the wagon.
Pic:. 01 BMBS Type Bogie Pic:. 02 Non BMBS Type Bogie Pic:. 03 Break Cylinder attached to Bogie Pic:. 04 Wagon Break Cylinders for BMBS type bogie
Left - Escort make Break Cylinder Right - Knorr Bremise Break Cylinder
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