All Garibrath trains which are operating weekly can be made Daily by making 20 car 3E rakes. There are 16 weekly, 10 bi weekly, 20 tri weekly, 2 Four days Garib RATH express plying currently. By making all these GR into daily trains will add capacity and close to 50 daily GR Superfast trains can be operated without any hindrance by Indian Railways. The existing stock of 3E coaches can be optimally utilised and India will get 50 daily trains.
please wait...Translate to EnglishGaribrath trains runnin' once a week can start runnin' every day by usin' longer trains with more carriages. Right now there are 16 weekly, 10 bi-weekly, 20 tri-weekly, and 2 four-days-a-week Garib RATH express trains. If these are all made into daily trains, it'll increase capacity and Indian Railways can run nearly 50 fast Garibrath trains every day without any issues. It's a smart way to utilize the existing train coaches and India will have 50 new daily trains on the tracks.
please wait...Translate to HindiSab Garibrath trains jo haftewar chal rahi hain, unhe roz ka banake 20 car 3E ke trains se kar sakte hain. Abhi 16 haftewar, 10 do haftewar, 20 teen haftewar, aur 2 char din ki Garib RATH express trains chal rahi hain. Sabko roz ka train banane se India Railways ke liye takriban 50 daily GR Superfast trains chala sakte hain bina kisi rukawat ke. Maujooda stock ko optimize karke aur 3E coaches ka sahi upyog karke, India ko 50 daily trains mil sakti hain.