ट्रेनों पर परीक्षार्थियों का कब्जा, जंक्शन पर उमड़ी भीड़On Sunday, a large crowd of candidates for the police recruitment exam gathered at Muzaffarpur Junction. Trains to Hajipur and Samastipur were packed with candidates, causing inconvenience to passengers in reserved compartments. RPF personnel managed the crowd, ensuring their safety. The platform was overcrowded and muddy due to rain, adding to...
more... the inconvenience.
Sunday ko, Muzaffarpur Junction pe police recruitment exam ke liye candidates ki bahut bheed thi. Hajipur aur Samastipur jaane wali trains me bhi bheed thi, jisse reserved compartments me passengers pareshan hue. RPF ne crowd ko manage kiya aur unki safety ka dhyan rakha. Platform pe bahut bheed thi aur baarish...
more... ki wajah se muddy bhi tha, jisse aur pareshani ho rahi thi.