प्लेटफार्म पर गिरकर छात्रा बेहोश, मेडिकल में भर्तीA student named Chandani Kumari, hailing from Barisnagar, Samastipur district, fell unconscious on the platform of Muzaffarpur Railway Station on Wednesday. She was taken to the hospital, where she later revealed that she had just arrived by train and was on her way to see a doctor. The doctors found that...
more... she was anemic and sent her for further investigation. Chandani is an eighth-grade student at the Utkramit Middle School in her village.
Muzaffarpur Railway Station ke platform pe ek student Chandani Kumari, jo ki Samastipur ke Barisnagar se hai, behoshi ki haalat mein gir gayi. Usko hospital mein admit kiya gaya. Hosh aane ke baad, Chandani ne doctors ko bataya ki woh train se aakar Muzaffarpur mein ek doctor se milne ja rahi...
more... thi. Doctors ne pata chala ki Chandani anemic hai, aur unhone usko further investigation ke liye bhej diya. Chandani apne gaon ke Utkramit Middle School mein 8th class mein padhti hai.