धनबाद स्टेशन और ट्रेनों में सघन चेकिंग अभियानOn Wednesday, the eve of Independence Day, RPF and Railway Police conducted a joint operation at Dhanbad Station, inspecting passenger luggage. The operation included thorough checks on the Howrah and Sealdah Rajdhani Express trains, as well as other mail and express trains passing through Dhanbad. Led by Inspector Pankaj Kumar, RPF...
more... officers and personnel, accompanied by a dog squad, conducted checks in various areas like platforms, retiring rooms, dormitories, waiting halls, toilets, and booking offices. In light of Independence Day, pilot trains were also deployed ahead of important trains in the Dhanbad Division on Wednesday night. Track patrolling was also conducted with heightened vigilance.
Independence Day ke pehle din, Wednesday ko, RPF aur Rail Police ne Dhanbad Station pe ek joint operation kiya aur passengers ke saman ki check ki. Howrah aur Sealdah Rajdhani Express trains aur Dhanbad se guzarne wali other mail-express trains me bhi sghan jaanch hui. Inspector Pankaj Kumar ke leadership mein,...
more... RPF officers aur jawan, dog squad ke saath, platforms, retiring rooms, dormitories, waiting halls, toilets aur booking office jaise areas mein checking ki. Independence Day ke maddingar, Wednesday raat ko Dhanbad Division mein important trains ke aage pilot trains bhi chali. Track patrolling mein bhi special satarkta rakhi gayi.