डीआरएम ने तिरंगा यात्रा को दिखाई हरी झंडीOn the occasion of the 78th Independence Day, a bike rally was organized under the 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign at the Dhanbad Divisional Headquarters on Wednesday. The rally, led by DRM Kamal Kishore Sinha, started from the Divisional Railway Manager's office and went through Hill Colony, Railway Hospital Colony, DS Colony,...
more... and Railway Institute Colony before reaching Dhanbad Railway Ground. It then returned to the DRM's office. Senior officials like ADGM Amit Kumar, Senior DCM Amaresh Kumar, and Senior DPO Ajit Kumar were present at the event.
78th Independence Day ke mauke pe 'Har Ghar Tiranga' campaign ke neeche Dhanbad Divisional Headquarters me Wednesday ko bike rally nikali gayi. DRM Kamal Kishore Sinha ne yeh rally ko green flag dikha ke Divisional Railway Manager's office se shuru kiya. Rally Hill Colony, Railway Hospital Colony, DS Colony aur Railway...
more... Institute Colony se hoti hui Dhanbad Railway Ground tak gayi aur wahan se fir waapas DRM's office laut gayi. Event me ADGM Amit Kumar, Senior DCM Amaresh Kumar aur Senior DPO Ajit Kumar jaise senior officials maujud the.