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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 12019/Howrah - Ranchi Shatabdi Express 18627/Howrah - Ranchi Intercity Express (Via Adra) 18013/Howrah - Bokaro Steel City Express
Shortest Route: 98 Stations. 307 km.
Train: 84 Stations. 367 km. Train Route between Howrah Junction and Bokaro Steel City is longer by 61 km (20%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 97 Stations Km HWH 0.0 HJN 0.77 HWHG 1.1 SYAE 2.89 LLHW 3.34 LLH 3.37 BEQ 5.03 BLY 7.05 BLYC 7.19 BZL 9.56 9 stations DKAE 13.33 GBRA 15.63 JOX 18.92 BPAE 20.86 BRPA 24.62 MBE 27.79 BLAE 29.81 KQU 31.51 MDSE 34.41 CDAE 38.83 PBZ 43.12 BMAE 45.09 DNHL 47.29 SHBC 50.05 CRAE 51.71 HIH 53.94 GRAE 56.13 JPQ 60.99 JRAE 63.02 NBAE 67.25 MSAE 70.34 CHC 73.39 PRAE 76.35 SKG 81.61 GRP 86.26 BWNU 91.54 25 stations BWN 93.14 TIT 100.35 1 stations KAN 106.26 KANL 109.47 INCI 109.92 GLI 116.26 PAJ 122.62 MNAE 130.83 PAN 141.12 RBH 148.53 DGR 156.9 DCOP 159.4 OYR 165.59 POL 167.42 EOC 169.4 INTY 170.15 UDLE 170.96 LCAB 171.99 15 stations UDL 173.78 UDLW 174.34 ETYD 175.97 BQT 176.49 RNG 180.81 NMC 187.59 KPK 193.89 ASNE 197.09 7 stations ASN 199.13 BCQ 204.26 STN 207.97 ULT 213.11 BRR 216.3 KMME 218.86 MMU 223.51 TNW 228.9 KAO 233.16 CAM 242.41 7 stations PKA 248.26 DOKM 252.76 1 stations DHN 257.46 KDS 260.98 BZE 263.08 BZS 265.26 SJA 267.81 ANJE 268.95 KTH 270.73 TNJE 271.89 SZE 274.66 TNO 275.76 MCSK 276.81 BDQ 278.08 PLJE 279.1 JMX 281.77 JNNA 284.0 XX-JNNB 284.4 DDGA 286.8 DNH 286.81 16 stations CRP 291.23 RJB 295.47 TKB 300.12 BKSN 301.68 3 stations BKSC 306.62
Hide/Show Train Stations 18013/Howrah - Bokaro Stee... 84 Stations Km HWH 0.0 HJN 0.77 HWHG 1.1 TPKR 2.69 DSNR 4.36 RMJ 5.91 SRC 7.34 MRGM 10.45 ADL 12.17 SEL 15.75 SGTY 16.97 ABB 17.64 NALR 20.13 12 stations BVA 23.96 CGA 27.03 1 stations FLR 29.68 ULB 31.96 BSBP 36.08 KGY 39.56 2 stations BZN 44.98 GGTA 47.71 DTE 50.76 KIG 55.01 MCA 58.22 NDGJ 61.12 BOP 63.46 NPMR 67.18 PKEO 68.18 PKU 70.49 KHAI 75.67 HAUR 80.09 RDU 84.5 DUAN 87.6 BCK 90.76 SMCK 96.18 MPD 102.12 JPR 107.92 17 stations KGP 114.96 GMDN 117.13 GKL 121.15 CSY 124.92 3 stations MDN 127.92 BUTA 134.76 GSL 139.74 JSWB 144.12 3 stations SLB 151.98 CDGR 163.17 GBA 175.14 BGO 179.55 PBA 187.97 3 stations VSU 200.29 RSG 205.68 1 stations ODM 214.6 KISN 219.76 BXL 223.27 2 stations BQA 230.47 KJRG 236.18 ANCR 241.35 2 stations CJN 244.29 JPH 253.41 SRJM 262.59 IBL 269.8 MYX 275.32 ADRE 280.77 ADAW 281.5 2 stations ADRA 283.47 SNKR 290.79 RUI 298.3 SNTD 306.26 BJE 313.1 SBW 319.15 TLE 325.33 XX-TLEB 327.54 1 stations MHQ 335.98 JNN 344.1 JNNA 344.57 XX-JNNB 344.97 DDGA 347.37 DNH 347.38 4 stations CRP 351.8 RJB 356.04 1 stations TKB 360.69 BKSN 362.25 1 stations BKSC 367.19
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