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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 22114/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Mumbai LTT SF Express 12202/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Mumbai LTT Garib Rath Express 12483/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Amritsar Weekly SF Express 22659/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Yog Nagari Rishikesh SF Express 12217/Kerala Sampark Kranti Express 20909/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Porbandar Weekly SF Express 20931/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Indore Weekly SF Express 19259/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Bhavnagar Terminus Express 16312/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Shri Ganganagar Weekly Express 06042/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Mangaluru Jn Special Fare Special 16355/Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Mangaluru Jn. Antyodaya Express
Shortest Route: 123 Stations. 614 km.
Train: 122 Stations. 614 km. Train follows the Shortest Route between Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) and Mangaluru Junction (Mangalore).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 122 Stations Km KCVL 0.0 VELI 2.2 KZK 6.17 KXP 10.25 MQU 14.23 PGZ 17.49 CRY 21.56 KVU 24.7 AMY 27.41 VAK 33.81 EVA 37.57 KFI 40.48 PVU 45.04 MYY 48.59 IRP 52.87 14 stations QLN 57.47 PRND 66.57 MQO 72.41 STKT 76.93 KPY 84.73 OCR 92.29 5 stations KYJ 98.37 CHPD 106.09 HAD 111.28 KVTA 117.14 TZH 123.78 AMPA 129.49 PNPR 134.54 ALLP 141.72 TMPY 145.71 KAVR 151.17 MAKM 154.53 TRVZ 159.63 SRTL 165.48 VAY 171.82 TUVR 175.51 EZP 180.58 AROR 186.06 KUMM 191.17 TNU 194.39 18 stations ERS 198.89 ERSC 200.44 ERN 201.44 IPL 207.54 KLMR 212.17 AWY 218.38 CWR 221.58 AFK 227.52 KUC 232.35 KRAN 236.85 DINR 240.64 CKI 243.03 IJK 249.1 NYI 255.61 PUK 259.42 OLR 266.42 TCR 272.9 PNQ 275.28 MGK 282.19 WKI 289.67 MUC 297.96 VTK 301.96 SRRB 304.8 22 stations SRR 305.98 KRKD 311.58 PTB 317.49 KODN 322.21 PUM 326.58 PEU 331.87 KTU 335.91 TUA 342.36 TIR 350.97 TA 358.97 PGI 367.06 VLI 372.04 KN 377.52 FK 382.23 KUL 390.41 CLT 392.21 VLL 394.12 WH 396.77 ETR 404.01 CMC 411.15 QLD 416.54 VEK 422.0 TKT 425.79 PYOL 428.77 IGL 434.67 BDJ 438.47 NAU 443.92 MUKE 447.58 MAHE 451.34 JGE 458.18 TLY 460.57 DMD 465.03 ETK 468.86 CS 477.6 CAN 481.25 CQL 486.08 VAPM 488.15 PPNS 489.71 KPQ 495.74 PAZ 503.27 ELM 512.14 PAY 514.92 TKQ 521.13 CDRA 525.46 CHV 529.69 NLE 534.95 KZE 544.24 BFR 553.01 KQK 557.87 KLAD 564.42 KGQ 567.35 KMQ 579.56 UAA 589.41 MJS 596.26 ULL 604.73 TKOT 608.12 NTVT 610.63 XX-MAJO 611.61 57 stations MAJN 614.48
Hide/Show Train Stations 06158X/Kochuveli - Mangalu... 122 Stations Km KCVL 0.0 VELI 2.2 KZK 6.17 KXP 10.25 MQU 14.23 PGZ 17.49 CRY 21.56 KVU 24.7 AMY 27.41 VAK 33.81 EVA 37.57 KFI 40.48 PVU 45.04 MYY 48.59 IRP 52.87 14 stations QLN 57.47 PRND 66.57 MQO 72.41 STKT 76.93 KPY 84.73 OCR 92.29 5 stations KYJ 98.37 CHPD 106.09 HAD 111.28 KVTA 117.14 TZH 123.78 AMPA 129.49 PNPR 134.54 6 stations ALLP 141.72 TMPY 145.71 KAVR 151.17 MAKM 154.53 TRVZ 159.63 SRTL 165.48 VAY 171.82 TUVR 175.51 EZP 180.58 AROR 186.06 KUMM 191.17 TNU 194.39 11 stations ERS 198.89 ERSC 200.44 ERN 201.44 IPL 207.54 KLMR 212.17 AWY 218.38 CWR 221.58 AFK 227.52 KUC 232.35 KRAN 236.85 DINR 240.64 CKI 243.03 IJK 249.1 NYI 255.61 PUK 259.42 OLR 266.42 15 stations TCR 272.9 PNQ 275.28 MGK 282.19 WKI 289.67 MUC 297.96 VTK 301.96 SRRB 304.8 6 stations SRR 305.98 KRKD 311.58 PTB 317.49 KODN 322.21 PUM 326.58 PEU 331.87 KTU 335.91 TUA 342.36 7 stations TIR 350.97 TA 358.97 PGI 367.06 VLI 372.04 KN 377.52 FK 382.23 KUL 390.41 6 stations CLT 392.21 VLL 394.12 WH 396.77 ETR 404.01 CMC 411.15 QLD 416.54 VEK 422.0 TKT 425.79 PYOL 428.77 IGL 434.67 BDJ 438.47 NAU 443.92 MUKE 447.58 MAHE 451.34 JGE 458.18 TLY 460.57 DMD 465.03 ETK 468.86 CS 477.6 18 stations CAN 481.25 CQL 486.08 VAPM 488.15 PPNS 489.71 KPQ 495.74 PAZ 503.27 ELM 512.14 PAY 514.92 TKQ 521.13 CDRA 525.46 CHV 529.69 NLE 534.95 KZE 544.24 BFR 553.01 KQK 557.87 KLAD 564.42 15 stations KGQ 567.35 KMQ 579.56 UAA 589.41 MJS 596.26 ULL 604.73 TKOT 608.12 NTVT 610.63 XX-MAJO 611.61 7 stations MAJN 614.48
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