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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 03654/Chunar - Barwadih Passenger Special 18310/Jammu Tawi - Sambalpur Express 18102/Jammu Tawi - Tatanagar Express
Shortest Route: 36 Stations. 305 km.
Train: 36 Stations. 305 km. Train follows the Shortest Route between Chunar Junction and Barwadih Junction.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 35 Stations Km CAR 0.0 VWP 11.25 SKGH 20.88 SSGM 31.68 LUSA 41.56 KHRY 58.26 SBDR 76.0 CUK 81.02 AGY 92.45 CPU 102.65 9 stations BXLL 108.98 SLBN 111.93 PPNI 119.9 GMX 124.91 JGF 133.95 RNQ 144.65 MPF 150.33 JRQ 158.96 DXN 165.82 MXY 177.87 WDM 188.25 NUQ 200.03 RMF 211.35 MQX 222.9 GHQ 234.03 14 stations GHD 244.04 TRZ 249.89 LBT 255.29 RHR 259.69 KFT 270.99 DTO 277.46 CNF 284.9 KCKI 292.13 MAZ 298.72 8 stations BRWD 304.68
Hide/Show Train Stations 03654/Chunar - Barwadih Pa... 36 Stations Km CAR 0.0 VWP 11.25 1 stations SKGH 20.88 SSGM 31.68 1 stations LUSA 41.56 KHRY 58.26 SBDR 76.0 CUK 81.02 AGY 92.45 CPU 102.65 BXLL 108.98 SLBN 111.93 PPNI 119.9 1 stations GMX 124.91 JGF 133.95 RNQ 144.65 MPF 150.33 JRQ 158.96 DXN 165.82 MXY 177.87 WDM 188.25 NUQ 200.03 RMF 211.35 MQX 222.9 GHQ 234.03 XX-GHDB 242.66 1 stations GHD 244.05 TRZ 249.9 LBT 255.3 RHR 259.7 KFT 271.0 DTO 277.47 CNF 284.91 KCKI 292.14 MAZ 298.73 BRWD 304.69
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