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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 12755/Kakinada Port - Bhavnagar Terminus Weekly Superfast Express 17206/Kakinada Port - Sainagar Shirdi Express 17221/Kakinada Port - Mumbai LTT Express 12737/Gowthami SF Express 12775/Cocanada SF Express 07445/Kakinada Town - Lingampalli Special Fare Special
Shortest Route: 97 Stations. 525 km.
Train: 109 Stations. 552 km. Train Route between Kakinada Town Junction and Secunderabad Junction is longer by 28 km (5%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 96 Stations Km CCT 0.0 SPVM 5.53 XX-SLOC 10.19 2 stations SLO 12.44 GDPT 16.96 MPU 21.39 PBD 23.92 BVL 29.62 BBPM 32.92 APT 38.95 DWP 42.68 KSVM 47.02 KYM 52.55 RJY 62.56 KVR 69.75 PSDA 72.87 CU 76.4 BMGM 80.2 14 stations NDD 84.36 MRPL 91.88 NBM 95.17 PTPU 98.74 TDD 104.11 BPY 110.09 VGT 115.59 CEL 118.44 KKRM 121.88 PUA 126.23 BMD 132.93 STPT 138.55 DEL 142.14 EE 151.87 PRH 153.46 VAT 160.47 NZD 170.52 VRVL 177.01 TOU 180.07 PAVP 186.9 GWM 191.56 MBD 198.48 GALA 204.81 VNC 209.66 VBC 210.13 BZAY 210.54 25 stations BZA 211.5 KCC 216.42 MAG 223.19 NGJN 231.22 NBR 234.63 PDKN 236.58 NGNC 241.05 5 stations GNT 243.41 NLPD 248.45 BDPL 257.06 MDPD 262.34 SRPM 266.41 LIN 269.96 PKPU 273.12 GPDE 279.26 SAP 285.83 DUP 292.11 REM 297.68 BMKD 303.84 ANPM 308.97 11 stations PGRN 311.22 STRM 312.63 PGRL 317.31 KPH 324.0 TMLU 327.21 4 stations NDKD 338.68 PDGL 347.58 VJRD 353.94 2 stations VNUP 356.41 DMCA 358.84 KDGL 365.85 MRGA 377.07 KADM 386.42 TPPI 397.49 RYGA 405.1 NLDA 414.76 SRMR 425.18 NKPL 434.97 CTYL 440.44 RMNP 449.38 VLG 462.03 MMPR 465.17 NRDP 472.1 BMMP 483.11 15 stations PGDP 488.18 BN 491.49 GT 504.29 CHZ 512.2 MLYC 515.92 MLY 518.77 LGD 521.47 6 stations SC 524.58
Hide/Show Train Stations 07071/Kakinada Town - Secu... 109 Stations Km CCT 0.0 SPVM 5.53 XX-SLOC 10.19 2 stations SLO 12.44 GDPT 16.96 MPU 21.39 PBD 23.92 BVL 29.62 BBPM 32.92 APT 38.95 DWP 42.68 KSVM 47.02 KYM 52.55 9 stations RJY 62.56 GVN 65.6 KVR 70.38 PSDA 73.5 CU 77.03 BMGM 80.83 5 stations NDD 84.99 KLDI 92.27 STVA 97.14 2 stations TNKU 101.99 VPU 105.07 RLG 107.84 AL 112.45 MCLE 114.33 AVLI 119.44 LKSH 122.2 VND 124.97 BVAC 130.23 BVBC 131.28 9 stations BVRT 132.29 UNDI 139.33 CKV 144.39 2 stations AKVD 150.01 PLVA 158.72 1 stations KKLR 166.78 MDVL 173.92 MVP 177.96 PCU 180.4 PSLP 182.86 GUK 185.27 OTR 188.52 6 stations GDV 195.89 DPD 202.66 VPG 205.35 IDP 209.34 TGU 213.82 TNRU 215.97 UPL 219.81 NDM 225.45 RMV 231.43 MDUN 234.91 VNC 237.54 VBC 238.01 BZAY 238.42 12 stations BZA 239.38 KCC 244.3 MAG 251.07 NGJN 259.1 NBR 262.51 PDKN 264.46 NGNC 268.93 6 stations GNT 271.29 NLPD 276.33 BDPL 284.94 MDPD 290.22 SRPM 294.29 LIN 297.84 PKPU 301.0 GPDE 307.14 7 stations SAP 313.71 DUP 319.99 REM 325.56 BMKD 331.72 ANPM 336.85 PGRN 339.1 STRM 340.51 6 stations PGRL 345.19 KPH 351.88 TMLU 355.09 NDKD 366.56 PDGL 375.46 VJRD 381.82 VNUP 384.29 DMCA 386.72 KDGL 393.73 8 stations MRGA 404.95 KADM 414.3 TPPI 425.37 RYGA 432.98 3 stations NLDA 442.64 SRMR 453.06 NKPL 462.85 CTYL 468.32 RMNP 477.26 VLG 489.91 MMPR 493.05 NRDP 499.98 BMMP 510.99 PGDP 516.06 BN 519.37 GT 532.17 CHZ 540.08 MLYC 543.8 MLY 546.65 LGD 549.35 15 stations SC 552.46
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