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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 22107/Mumbai CSMT - Latur SF Express 22143/Mumbai CSMT - Bidar SF Express
Shortest Route: 106 Stations. 504 km.
Train: 116 Stations. 528 km. Train Route between Mumbai CSM Terminus and Latur is longer by 23 km (5%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 105 Stations Km CSMT 0.0 CSTM 0.0 CSMT 0.0 MSD 1.26 XX-WB 2.18 SNRD 2.38 DKRD 2.95 RRD 4.07 CTGN 5.25 SVE 6.95 VDLR 9.13 RVJ 10.07 GTBN 11.71 CHF 13.41 11 stations CLA 15.35 TKNG 16.66 CMBR 17.78 GV 19.38 YY-MNKD 21.16 MNKD 21.55 VSH 28.9 SNCR 30.07 JNJ 31.91 NEU 34.35 SWDV 35.74 BEPR 38.1 KHAG 40.5 MANR 43.34 KNDS 45.25 14 stations PNVL 48.59 CKHS 52.56 MHPE 58.42 CHOK 66.11 3 stations KJT 76.86 PDI 79.95 JBC 86.88 TKW 89.86 MHLC 95.93 KAD 100.95 LNL 104.69 LNLX 106.39 MVL 112.53 KMST 120.59 KNHE 125.19 VDN 130.22 TGN 134.24 GRWD 137.27 SLRW 140.02 BGWI 140.27 DEHR 143.87 AKRD 148.83 CCH 152.01 PMP 154.25 KSWD 156.85 DAPD 160.19 KK 162.33 SVJR 165.93 23 stations PUNE 168.37 GIT 170.01 HDP 174.2 MJBK 179.12 HPLX 184.16 LONI 184.81 URI 197.12 YT 209.67 KTT 215.97 KDG 222.39 KDTN 227.24 PAA 232.37 DDAP 240.51 DDAC 242.07 DDJA 242.42 XX-DDUG 243.27 15 stations DD 243.83 DD-ELS 245.33 BRB 254.28 MLM 263.62 BGVN 271.71 JNTR 283.22 PRWD 292.44 WSB 299.53 PPJ 309.01 JEUR 317.67 BLNI 325.4 KEM 333.64 DHS 342.26 12 stations KWV 351.99 CNHL 356.88 MGO 361.02 SEI 372.01 UPI 377.81 BTW 389.3 KCB 397.52 PJR 406.7 UMD 425.28 YSI 435.32 KMRD 445.79 DKY 451.93 TER 456.91 PCP 461.5 MRX 468.17 NEI 474.85 OSA 485.62 HGL 495.6 17 stations LUR 504.35
Hide/Show Train Stations 01105/Mumbai CSMT - Latur ... 116 Stations Km CSMT 0.0 MSD 1.26 XX-WB 2.18 SNRD 2.38 MZNC 3.53 BY 4.25 CHG 5.39 CRD 6.18 PRLW 7.37 PR 7.97 9 stations DR 9.01 MTN 10.39 SIN 12.92 CLA 15.62 CLAS 17.25 VVH 18.12 GC 19.41 VK 23.15 KJRD 24.95 BND 26.83 NHU 28.49 CRNM 29.61 MLND 30.68 12 stations TNA 33.33 KLVA 35.74 KLVC 36.05 MBQ 40.25 DIVA 42.69 DWJN 44.48 KOPR 47.16 DDCL 47.43 DI 48.44 THK 49.93 KYNX 52.74 10 stations KYN 53.54 VLDI 55.78 ULNR 57.62 ABH 60.02 CHLI 65.19 BUD 67.69 VGI 78.55 SHLU 82.52 NRL 86.63 BVS 93.4 KJT 100.07 PDI 103.16 JBC 110.09 TKW 113.07 MHLC 119.14 KAD 124.16 15 stations LNL 127.9 LNLX 129.6 MVL 135.74 KMST 143.8 KNHE 148.4 VDN 153.43 TGN 157.45 GRWD 160.48 SLRW 163.23 BGWI 163.48 DEHR 167.08 AKRD 172.04 CCH 175.22 PMP 177.46 KSWD 180.06 DAPD 183.4 KK 185.54 SVJR 189.14 17 stations PUNE 191.58 GIT 193.22 HDP 197.41 MJBK 202.33 HPLX 207.37 LONI 208.02 5 stations URI 220.33 YT 232.88 KTT 239.18 KDG 245.6 KDTN 250.45 PAA 255.58 DDAP 263.72 DDAC 265.28 DDJA 265.63 XX-DDUG 266.48 9 stations DD 267.04 DD-ELS 268.54 BRB 277.49 MLM 286.83 3 stations BGVN 294.92 JNTR 306.43 PRWD 315.65 WSB 322.74 PPJ 332.22 4 stations JEUR 340.88 BLNI 348.61 1 stations KEM 356.85 DHS 365.47 1 stations KWV 375.2 CNHL 380.09 MGO 384.23 SEI 395.22 UPI 401.02 4 stations BTW 412.51 KCB 420.73 PJR 429.91 2 stations UMD 448.49 YSI 458.53 KMRD 469.0 DKY 475.14 TER 480.12 PCP 484.71 MRX 491.38 NEI 498.06 OSA 508.83 8 stations HGL 518.81 LUR 527.56
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