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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 13428/Sahibganj - Howrah Intercity Express 13032/Jaynagar - Howrah Express 13024/Gaya - Howrah Express 13072/Jamalpur - Howrah Express
Shortest Route: 78 Stations. 339 km.
Train: 80 Stations. 353 km. Train Route between Sahibganj and Howrah Junction is longer by 14 km (4%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 77 Stations Km SBG 0.0 SLJ 7.79 MJP 13.93 KPTO 21.09 TLJ 28.12 KXE 32.93 5 stations TPH 37.74 DDX 42.92 BKLE 46.58 2 stations BHW 54.41 BDLC 59.09 GMAN 61.78 KLP 68.49 TBB 76.04 PKR 80.46 NGF 85.94 RJG 91.05 BSBR 97.72 MRR 102.72 CTR 110.38 10 stations NHT 119.11 SDLE 126.39 RPMY 131.98 2 stations RPH 133.18 TPF 140.26 MLV 145.68 GHLE 153.8 3 stations SNT 161.03 BSLE 168.82 1 stations AMP 174.3 KPLE 183.16 PNE 189.61 BHP 193.68 BDH 201.41 PCQ 206.48 GKH 212.73 NRX 217.77 BPS 222.77 JTL 228.12 9 stations KAN 232.46 TIT 238.37 1 stations BWN 245.58 BWNU 247.18 GRP 252.46 SKG 257.11 PRAE 262.37 CHC 265.33 MSAE 268.38 NBAE 271.47 JRAE 275.7 JPQ 277.73 GRAE 282.59 HIH 284.78 CRAE 287.01 SHBC 288.67 DNHL 291.43 BMAE 293.63 PBZ 295.6 CDAE 299.89 MDSE 304.31 KQU 307.21 BLAE 308.91 MBE 310.93 BRPA 314.1 BPAE 317.86 JOX 319.8 GBRA 323.09 25 stations DKAE 325.39 BZL 329.16 BLYC 331.53 BLY 331.67 BEQ 333.69 LLHW 335.38 SYAE 335.83 HWHG 337.62 HJN 337.95 8 stations HWH 338.72
Hide/Show Train Stations 02310/Sahibganj - Howrah I... 80 Stations Km SBG 0.0 SLJ 7.79 MJP 13.93 KPTO 21.09 TLJ 28.12 KXE 32.93 4 stations TPH 37.74 DDX 42.92 BKLE 46.58 2 stations BHW 54.41 BDLC 59.09 GMAN 61.78 KLP 68.49 TBB 76.04 4 stations PKR 80.46 NGF 85.94 RJG 91.05 BSBR 97.72 MRR 102.72 CTR 110.38 NHT 119.11 SDLE 126.39 RPMY 131.98 8 stations RPH 133.18 TPF 140.26 MLV 145.68 GHLE 153.8 SNT 161.03 BSLE 168.82 AMP 174.3 KPLE 183.16 PNE 189.61 8 stations BHP 193.68 BDH 201.41 PCQ 206.48 GKH 212.73 NRX 217.77 BPS 222.77 JTL 228.12 KAN 232.46 TIT 238.37 8 stations BWN 245.58 BWNU 247.18 GRP 252.46 SKG 257.11 PLAE 260.78 RSLR 264.73 NMF 267.8 MYM 270.66 BGF 273.64 DBP 277.77 BOI 282.54 BCGM 285.04 SLG 286.93 PDA 291.73 KHN 297.2 TLO 302.34 MUG 306.08 ADST 309.51 17 stations BDC 313.11 HGY 315.06 CNS 316.86 CGR 319.86 MUU 322.24 BHR 324.46 BBAE 328.2 SHE 330.61 SRP 333.05 RIS 336.26 KOG 339.19 HMZ 341.0 UPA 342.8 BLY 344.15 BEQ 346.25 LLHW 347.94 LLH 347.97 SYAE 349.75 HWHG 351.54 HJN 351.87 19 stations HWH 352.65
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