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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 16232/Mysuru - Cuddalore Port Express
Shortest Route: 78 Stations. 552 km.
Train: 130 Stations. 752 km. Train Route between Mysuru Junction (Mysore) and Cuddalore Port Junction is longer by 200 km (36%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 77 Stations Km MYS 0.0 MNGT 2.58 NHY 7.78 PLHL 11.4 PHVP 13.56 S 14.48 CNP 14.98 PANP 19.04 CGKR 22.87 BDRL 27.94 Y 36.75 MYA 44.61 HNK 54.66 MAD 63.74 NZH 68.89 SET 75.13 CPT 82.0 RMGM 93.24 KHLL 100.28 BID 108.0 HJL 114.4 KGI 125.48 GNB 129.04 NYH 130.37 KNDV 133.02 24 stations SBC 137.61 BNC 141.93 BNCE 144.63 BYPW 146.94 BYPL 148.62 BPHI 149.66 BYPA 150.01 BLRR 158.77 CRLM 161.93 HLE 172.89 AEK 182.71 MNKH 189.48 HSRA 197.06 KMLM 211.23 PRNT 220.35 RYC 236.23 MZU 254.76 PCV 267.66 DPJ 289.57 SZV 300.23 MPC 308.6 TPP 320.35 KVLR 333.07 SMDT 337.49 23 stations OML 344.57 XX-MGSJC 351.3 1 stations MGSJ 352.41 XX-SAOC 355.26 1 stations SA 355.77 SAMT 360.08 SXT 362.08 SLME 363.93 APN 370.11 MPLI 375.65 VGE 388.8 ETP 396.29 PDKM 400.35 ATU 411.74 TVS 429.45 MLYR 436.69 CHSM 443.46 SRVT 450.78 PRV 455.75 KKTI 461.6 MKSP 472.26 16 stations VRI 494.61 UMG 508.29 NVL 514.06 VLU 522.01 KJPD 527.83 KLNC 538.06 5 stations CUPJ 552.38
Hide/Show Train Stations 16232/Mysuru - Cuddalore P... 130 Stations Km MYS 0.0 MNGT 2.58 NHY 7.78 PLHL 11.4 PHVP 13.56 S 14.48 CNP 14.98 PANP 19.04 CGKR 22.87 BDRL 27.94 Y 36.75 10 stations MYA 44.61 HNK 54.66 1 stations MAD 63.74 NZH 68.89 SET 75.13 CPT 82.0 RMGM 93.24 KHLL 100.28 BID 108.0 HJL 114.4 7 stations KGI 125.48 GNB 129.04 NYH 130.37 KNDV 133.02 3 stations SBC 137.61 BNC 141.93 BNCE 144.63 BYPW 146.94 BYPL 148.62 BPHI 149.66 BYPA 150.01 BLRR 158.77 7 stations CRLM 161.93 HLE 172.89 AEK 182.71 MNKH 189.48 3 stations HSRA 197.06 KMLM 211.23 PRNT 220.35 RYC 236.23 MZU 254.76 PCV 267.66 5 stations DPJ 289.57 SZV 300.23 MPC 308.6 TPP 320.35 KVLR 333.07 SMDT 337.49 OML 344.57 XX-MGSJC 351.3 MGSJ 352.36 XX-SAOC 355.21 9 stations SA 355.72 NEA 362.88 VRPD 365.89 DVBH 370.3 DC 376.66 MVPM 389.32 SGE 394.38 ANU 401.97 CV 410.54 8 stations ED 415.43 CVD 426.89 PAS 434.37 CNY 441.79 URL 447.78 KMD 453.85 NOY 459.32 6 stations PGR 465.97 MPLM 470.73 1 stations KRR 480.33 VRQ 489.85 MVS 495.79 MYU 498.9 SEV 503.05 MMH 505.82 LP 510.23 TIC 513.86 7 stations KLT 519.68 MUQ 523.56 PLI 528.76 PGN 534.59 EL 537.66 JPM 541.27 MKY 543.73 MTNL 546.09 TP 552.77 TPE 554.72 XX-TPEO 555.25 10 stations TPJ 556.5 GOC 559.18 MCJ 561.57 2 stations TRB 566.51 TOM 571.55 SGM 577.48 AYN 584.19 3 stations BAL 588.92 ALK 596.75 1 stations TJ 606.23 TT 616.32 PVL 621.43 AZP 623.78 PDV 628.07 4 stations PML 631.2 SPL 636.5 SWI 638.5 DSM 641.55 3 stations KMU 645.55 TRM 650.41 TDR 653.79 2 stations ADT 657.02 NPT 661.75 1 stations KTM 668.16 MY 672.38 1 stations MV 676.79 NID 680.92 ANP 683.31 VDL 690.83 3 stations SY 696.79 ARS 700.35 CLN 706.34 VMP 709.16 3 stations CDM 713.82 KII 719.64 PO 724.76 PUC 732.0 ALP 740.66 CQS 748.0 5 stations CUPJ 752.33
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