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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 19301/Dr Ambedkar Nagar - Yesvantpur Weekly Express 11046/Deekshabhoomi Express 19713/Jaipur - Kurnool City Express
Shortest Route: 73 Stations. 537 km.
Train: 80 Stations. 614 km. Train Route between Amla Junction and Hazur Sahib Nanded is longer by 77 km (14%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 72 Stations Km AMLA 0.0 JKR 11.95 MTY 23.17 HTN 32.5 CCD 38.36 GDKP 47.27 TEO 54.88 PAR 63.75 DDMT 72.52 8 stations NRKR 81.89 YY-NRKB 84.04 MWAD 90.69 PUSA 102.53 WOC 111.7 BNOD 121.79 HKNT 134.68 PAAL 140.93 MRSH 147.43 ASTG 155.08 KLAT 166.44 KLVR 166.46 CNDB 177.43 SIRL 188.74 WLGC 200.22 WLGN 200.88 XX-NAVC 201.6 NAVI 214.14 XX-AMIB 217.11 YY-NAVO 218.26 XX-BDBY 218.9 20 stations BD 220.44 BDYX 221.55 BDRW 222.92 TKI 228.87 KUM 236.66 MNDA 243.99 MANA 250.03 6 stations MZR 262.2 KTP 272.46 BGN 281.09 YAD 292.11 AKB 298.93 4 stations AK 299.41 SVW 308.27 BSQ 320.33 LHD 333.05 AMW 345.3 JUK 355.59 KXX 368.39 WHM 378.56 KKG 388.92 PGG 395.79 KNRG 400.13 MLSU 409.47 NVLN 417.92 HNL 426.52 DNE 435.94 KNJJ 442.64 NDPR 445.82 BLC 453.59 PNSD 458.11 SIF 461.75 JUNX 468.55 CWI 473.72 BMF 484.69 PPLC 490.26 MRV 497.15 24 stations PAU 507.03 CRU 516.71 LBG 526.3 WNG 531.07 3 stations NED 537.45
Hide/Show Train Stations 07026/Amla - Hazur Sahib N... 80 Stations Km AMLA 0.0 JKR 11.95 MTY 23.17 HTN 32.5 CCD 38.36 GDKP 47.27 TEO 54.88 PAR 63.75 DDMT 72.52 NRKR 81.89 XX-NRKC 83.55 TNH 89.01 KLBA 97.13 KATL 107.2 MER 116.4 SNKB 123.52 KOHL 131.76 KSWR 144.01 BWRA 154.76 GNQ 161.08 19 stations NGP 168.2 XX-NGPA 168.92 AJNI 171.1 AQX 172.04 AQ 172.25 ACDA 172.51 KRI 180.38 GMG 186.9 BTBR 195.72 BOK 203.61 SNI 215.09 TGP 223.13 SLOR 233.02 VADR 240.94 SEGM 244.42 CHJC 248.29 BPK 254.74 SNN 261.27 WG 269.69 HGT 277.56 YNA 282.97 NGI 294.27 CKNI 306.07 WRR 316.54 MJRI 329.03 XX-MJRB 330.96 MJKN 332.68 WYCW 342.06 WANI 342.27 KAYR 363.69 MKBN 377.15 LNT 388.68 31 stations PMKT 408.48 ADB 429.61 UMM 440.48 TLMG 445.47 KSAE 452.29 ABX 466.86 4 stations KNVT 474.87 MDPJ 480.96 BHBK 489.56 DHNR 504.05 MHMB 512.29 4 stations SHSK 519.51 JXN 525.84 1 stations HEM 534.51 KDBR 538.15 JLG 543.25 PRWA 546.21 HDGR 552.76 DVN 562.26 TBU 566.37 6 stations BOKR 570.76 BMBE 577.83 JMBL 582.23 2 stations MUE 591.91 MGC 601.09 PARD 604.36 MTDI 611.47 3 stations NED 614.31
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