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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 12171/Mumbai LTT - Haridwar AC SF Express 14309/Ujjaini Express 14317/Laxmi Bai Nagar - Yog Nagari Rishikesh Express 18477/Kalinga Utkal Express 07363/SSS Hubballi - Yog Nagari Rishikesh Special Fare Special
Shortest Route: 72 Stations. 410 km.
Train: 77 Stations. 439 km. Train Route between Agra Cantt. and Haridwar is longer by 29 km (7%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 71 Stations Km AGC 0.0 IDH 2.26 AF 4.31 JAB 6.84 CHLR 12.51 KBP 16.63 ETUE 23.45 WSC 27.1 YY-MTI 27.61 MTI 29.22 8 stations BRN 37.11 CMR 43.89 JLS 50.32 PORA 59.81 3 stations HRS 70.36 SNS 79.3 MXK 86.56 DAQ 93.49 3 stations ALJN 100.64 MZGI 109.47 HGJ 114.13 SUNM 118.49 GDHA 122.78 AUR 128.78 DMPR 136.03 DIB 142.44 RG 149.33 BBA 155.25 BHKL 162.24 DN 167.75 PHX 174.38 BJ 182.09 MJHL 190.66 14 stations CH 198.73 GTF 207.56 KZS 210.38 JRJ 213.13 3 stations RJK 218.63 KD 224.46 FRD 229.69 MCV 231.28 3 stations MB 242.6 MBWC 244.79 HRH 248.09 AWP 253.77 AMBH 259.02 MTB 263.45 KNT 272.06 MWE 278.55 MSBH 283.03 SEO 288.7 CAJ 295.33 DPR 302.43 HBW 307.71 PNI 313.34 NGG 319.1 BEK 329.04 MSDR 334.87 16 stations NBD 341.43 FZL 347.18 1 stations MZM 352.61 CNK 359.52 BLW 366.51 RSI 374.94 3 stations LRJ 383.01 LRNC 385.04 ATMO 390.6 PRI 396.64 IKK 401.46 JWP 406.11 5 stations HW 410.09
Hide/Show Train Stations 12171/Mumbai LTT - Haridwa... 77 Stations Km AGC 1330.21 RKM 1334.21 BFP 1335.76 RNKA 1344.81 KXM 1353.78 DDDM 1363.03 FHT 1363.03 FAR 1365.3 BAD 1374.01 MTJ 1383.98 BTSR 1386.69 VRBD 1394.17 AJH 1405.17 CHJ 1415.21 KSV 1425.45 HDL 1437.81 BNCR 1444.96 SHLK 1448.13 RDE 1458.58 PWL 1467.93 AST 1479.25 PYLA 1483.18 BVH 1489.18 FDN 1493.2 FDB 1497.01 TKDC 1501.57 TKD 1507.32 TKEC 1511.21 OKA 1514.39 OKAC 1516.01 29 stations NZM 1517.95 MWC 1524.92 ANVR 1528.45 CNJ 1530.28 DSBP 1531.03 SBB 1534.21 GZB 1540.98 GZN 1546.83 GUH 1550.68 DXH 1554.46 MUD 1558.62 MDNR 1568.63 MUZ 1576.6 PRTP 1581.27 13 stations MTC 1588.22 MUT 1592.54 PQY 1597.09 DRLA 1604.68 SKF 1612.44 KAT 1621.59 MSP 1630.86 JDW 1636.46 MOZ 1643.79 BMHR 1648.34 RNA 1656.14 DBD 1667.79 THJ 1677.8 NGL 1685.45 13 stations TPZ 1695.46 KJGY 1697.37 HNC 1699.0 BAE 1702.82 SNKE 1707.89 CBBH 1713.36 CDL 1713.48 IQB 1720.17 7 stations RK 1727.57 DNRA 1730.41 LDR 1735.39 DSNI 1740.29 LRJC 1743.34 LRNC 1744.16 ATMO 1749.72 PRI 1755.76 IKK 1760.58 JWP 1765.23 9 stations HW 1769.21
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