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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 14029/Shri Ganganagar - Delhi Express
Shortest Route: 49 Stations. 288 km.
Train: 61 Stations. 348 km. Train Route between Ratangarh Kanakwal and Old Delhi Junction is longer by 60 km (21%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 48 Stations Km RKK 0.0 KNL 7.4 SCV 15.76 BGD 22.83 SSA 40.84 BJKN 47.35 SHN 55.76 JOK 60.02 DING 65.4 MHUL 72.39 BHT 76.67 KBKN 82.8 ADR 93.72 JKHI 106.79 NKN 112.96 14 stations HSR 122.78 XX-HSRC 127.29 STD 133.4 MAYR 137.47 3 stations HNS 145.88 GRHI 159.38 SRHT 164.47 MLKN 174.15 MAHM 180.14 BABH 187.82 KRKH 195.46 MKMN 199.79 SRBH 204.34 8 stations DBHL 210.96 ROK 218.54 ABO 224.59 KRZ 230.47 ISM 237.16 SPZ 240.83 ROHN 245.58 ASE 250.78 BGZ 258.75 GHE 265.4 MQC 268.49 NNO 271.26 MGLP 274.49 SSB 278.15 DBSC 281.06 DBSI 282.88 VVKP 283.95 DKZ 285.71 XX-DKZO 286.48 16 stations DLI 288.44
Hide/Show Train Stations 14029/Shri Ganganagar - D... 61 Stations Km RKK 161.03 KNL 168.43 SCV 176.79 BGD 183.86 SSA 201.87 BJKN 208.38 SHN 216.79 JOK 221.05 DING 226.43 MHUL 233.42 BHT 237.7 KBKN 243.83 ADR 254.75 JKHI 267.82 NKN 273.99 HSR 283.81 XX-HSRC 288.32 1 stations STD 294.43 MAYR 298.5 HNS 306.91 AUN 314.15 JKZ 316.62 BWK 325.83 SUI 334.95 BNW 343.75 DZL 349.64 1 stations MHU 357.4 FGH 364.04 1 stations CKD 370.82 PUW 378.02 JRL 384.86 MHBD 388.56 1 stations SDRA 393.32 KSI 398.77 NLQ 404.74 JTS 409.2 KGBS 418.24 RE 426.64 XX-REO 427.74 1 stations KWMD 433.2 KIP 437.03 IHP 443.38 PTRD 447.87 JSKA 453.29 TNJR 456.17 PT 459.75 GHH 468.02 BDXT 473.91 GGN 477.87 PLVR 481.57 1 stations BWSN 484.46 SMDP 487.76 PM 491.17 NSN 493.6 1 stations DEC 494.89 DEBS 495.28 1 stations PTNR 501.6 DEE 504.61 DKZ 506.27 XX-DKZO 507.04 2 stations DLI 509.0
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