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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 14029/Shri Ganganagar - Delhi Express 14730/Fazilka - Rewari Express 04781/Bathinda - Rewari Passenger Special
Shortest Route: 39 Stations. 266 km.
Train: 38 Stations. 266 km. Train follows the Shortest Route between Ratangarh Kanakwal and Rewari Junction.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 38 Stations Km RKK 0.0 KNL 7.4 SCV 15.76 BGD 22.83 SSA 40.84 BJKN 47.35 SHN 55.76 JOK 60.02 DING 65.4 MHUL 72.39 BHT 76.67 KBKN 82.8 ADR 93.72 JKHI 106.79 NKN 112.96 14 stations HSR 122.78 XX-HSRC 127.29 STD 133.4 MAYR 137.47 3 stations HNS 145.88 AUN 153.12 JKZ 155.59 BWK 164.8 SUI 173.92 4 stations BNW 182.72 DZL 188.61 MHU 196.37 FGH 203.01 CKD 209.79 PUW 216.99 JRL 223.83 MHBD 227.53 SDRA 232.29 KSI 237.74 NLQ 243.71 JTS 248.17 KGBS 257.21 12 stations RE 265.61
Hide/Show Train Stations 04781/Bathinda - Rewari Pa... 38 Stations Km RKK 34.8 KNL 42.2 SCV 50.56 BGD 57.63 SSA 75.64 BJKN 82.15 SHN 90.56 JOK 94.82 DING 100.2 MHUL 107.19 BHT 111.47 KBKN 117.6 ADR 128.52 JKHI 141.59 NKN 147.76 HSR 157.58 XX-HSRC 162.09 1 stations STD 168.2 MAYR 172.27 HNS 180.68 AUN 187.92 JKZ 190.39 BWK 199.6 SUI 208.72 BNW 217.52 DZL 223.41 1 stations MHU 231.17 FGH 237.81 1 stations CKD 244.59 PUW 251.79 1 stations JRL 258.63 MHBD 262.33 1 stations SDRA 267.09 KSI 272.54 NLQ 278.51 1 stations JTS 282.97 KGBS 292.01 RE 300.41
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