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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 22427/Bhrigu Superfast Express 22541/Banaras - Anand Vihar Terminal Garib Rath Express
Shortest Route: 116 Stations. 740 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 115 Stations Km BSBS 0.0 BHLP 2.23 HDT 7.38 RTB 13.17 BRWH 19.27 NTU 22.64 KWH 27.83 KFK 35.12 MBS 43.43 AHM 47.5 ALMW 51.33 GYN 56.48 SJGH 63.14 JGG 64.76 ATRR 70.31 BYH 74.22 HDK 81.71 SDC 89.14 RTR 99.95 JI 110.77 DRGJ 114.59 PRRB 118.0 21 stations PRYJ 120.58 SFG 124.36 BMU 129.58 MRE 138.05 SYWN 142.42 MNJ 149.95 BRE 157.73 BDNP 161.59 SJT 168.02 SRO 177.52 ASCE 184.21 KUW 189.69 KTCE 195.71 KGA 202.81 SNIE 210.05 RUB 217.16 FYZ 226.26 RAMA 231.43 FTP 237.36 KKS 244.4 MWH 253.53 KSQ 260.9 BKO 268.7 AUNG 274.57 KBN 281.04 PMPR 286.29 SSL 292.24 RXM 299.02 CHK 303.34 CNBI 310.48 CPNL 313.36 CNJO 314.5 31 stations GOY 316.34 PNKD 323.78 BPU 335.08 MTO 345.08 RMW 349.09 PTRA 351.7 RURA 356.74 AAP 365.56 JJK 375.69 PJY 381.49 KNS 386.76 PHD 395.58 PATA 403.98 ULD 412.41 GHSR 417.83 SHW 421.49 BNT 431.95 EKL 441.84 17 stations ETW 451.86 SB 460.1 JGR 467.76 BBL 476.46 BDN 487.23 KAA 496.32 5 stations SKB 507.2 MNR 516.89 FZD 527.09 HNG 534.86 3 stations TDL 543.61 WSC 548.34 YY-MTI 548.85 MTI 550.46 3 stations BRN 558.35 CMR 565.13 JLS 571.56 PORA 581.05 3 stations HRS 591.6 SNS 600.54 MXK 607.8 DAQ 614.73 3 stations ALJN 621.88 MWUE 628.1 KLA 633.69 SOM 643.88 DAR 654.11 KAMP 659.14 5 stations KRJ 665.22 SKQ 670.89 GNRL 675.76 CHL 679.89 WAIR 684.94 FPMP 688.76 DKDE 694.31 AJR 702.13 BRKY 706.96 DER 711.27 MIU 718.03 CPYZ 723.56 11 stations GZB 727.88 SBB 734.65 ANVT 740.45
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