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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 12226/Kaifiyaat SF Express 15716/Ajmer - Kishanganj Garib Nawaz Express
Shortest Route: 123 Stations. 775 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 122 Stations Km DLI 0.0 DSA 6.53 XX-DSAO 7.6 VVB 9.21 DSAP 10.68 3 stations SBB 13.58 GZB 20.35 MFH 27.64 AKNR 30.55 DS 33.64 LAKN 39.23 PKW 45.93 KKMB 50.35 6 stations HPU 57.15 BBO 64.92 QXR 70.59 SKHR 75.26 SMBL 77.53 GMS 87.14 GGB 93.85 KHE 100.08 7 stations GJL 107.76 MHHR 114.88 KFPR 118.94 AMRO 130.65 KIV 139.12 CKLT 144.41 HKP 148.9 LDP 153.88 MBWC 158.99 8 stations MB 161.18 KGF 164.91 KGFR 165.79 KGFE 166.7 DLP 173.27 MPH 179.75 5 stations RMU 188.42 SAR 194.85 DAM 200.29 DUN 205.76 MIL 211.6 NRS 219.86 DAN 227.02 BTO 233.24 PKRA 238.6 CBJ 243.61 9 stations BE 251.52 BRYC 254.97 RYS 261.9 PMR 271.36 TSA 279.93 BLPU 287.21 MK 294.01 MILA 300.23 TLH 303.64 BHDH 310.09 BTRA 313.58 9 stations SPN 322.03 SXK 323.78 1 stations ROZA 329.66 PRPM 334.08 KH 338.11 AIG 346.29 AJI 352.82 SHRM 358.75 TDP 361.07 BEG 367.71 KUF 376.43 HRI 384.95 KAR 395.16 MST 402.54 BGH 409.35 12 stations BLM 418.06 DLQ 426.66 UTA 433.07 SAN 438.26 RBD 449.33 DIL 456.99 MLD 462.62 KKJ 472.55 AMG 480.83 LNWT 484.57 9 stations LKO 486.29 LBH 489.96 ML 498.59 JRR 503.99 SFH 507.32 4 stations BBK 514.71 RES 522.25 SGJ 533.13 SYK 543.24 DYD 552.94 PTH 561.53 RZN 570.47 RDL 575.98 GMU 581.09 BNM 585.38 DELO 591.23 SLW 598.78 SLRP 605.81 12 stations AYC 614.01 ACND 616.51 1 stations AY 621.02 DRG 625.93 BLG 635.85 ULN 644.45 GGJ 652.73 KTHE 663.28 5 stations ABP 675.05 JFG 683.96 MLPR 694.0 TLGR 700.98 BWI 707.97 4 stations SHG 718.96 KHJA 724.96 DJD 733.27 KRND 739.86 SMZ 748.96 SJER 754.39 PHY 759.88 RKS 767.07 7 stations AMH 774.85
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