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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 20827/Jabalpur - Santragachi Humsafar Express
Shortest Route: 174 Stations. 1117 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 173 Stations Km JBP 0.0 ADTL 8.09 DOE 16.89 GSPR 27.44 SHR 38.47 DDCE 53.46 SBD 62.96 SNRR 69.82 NWR 77.59 MDRR 85.55 KTES 88.9 XX-NKJB 90.34 11 stations NKJ 91.94 XX-KMZO 95.09 JLW 99.13 RPD 111.19 VYK 115.51 CHD 128.16 LOA 137.08 UMR 147.12 KKI 159.75 NRZB 169.76 BRS 176.96 MDXR 182.43 GGT 193.24 BDWA 205.85 SDL 214.37 SNGP 220.27 CHDX 228.3 BUH 233.85 AAL 242.57 18 stations APR 255.14 CLF 260.39 JTI 269.11 NIQ 279.15 VKR 286.74 HRB 297.42 PND 305.61 SBRA 310.84 KOI 317.09 BHTK 328.75 KGS 341.22 TGQ 349.72 BIG 359.54 SLKR 367.18 KGB 375.34 KLTR 383.19 GTK 391.18 USL 398.84 BCCB 404.03 18 stations BSP 407.37 GTW 413.38 JRMG 421.07 KTSH 428.05 LATI 431.84 AKT 434.16 KPNA 441.82 NIA 449.14 7 stations CPH 459.94 SRGD 466.51 SGRD 468.06 BUA 475.5 JDDA 481.89 SKT 490.26 JDI 500.11 6 stations KHS 505.77 ROB 514.32 BEF 523.41 KDTR 532.48 RIG 539.73 KRL 549.4 JMG 557.96 DAO 569.97 HGR 577.41 BPH 590.61 LKCB 594.62 BRJN 599.73 IB 602.41 XX-JSGB 609.48 13 stations JSG 611.36 JSRY 613.24 XX-JSGO 616.17 DTV 620.13 PNPL 625.37 BEH 632.08 DIH 638.27 BMB 647.79 TGM 656.36 GPH 664.09 SOGR 668.86 SXN 675.03 GP 682.64 KXN 691.98 KLG 698.96 PPO 706.54 15 stations ROU 712.49 KCAB 716.9 BNDM 718.97 XX-BOND 722.49 BZR 726.55 BUL 733.42 JRA 740.94 MOU 752.27 GHAA 757.43 PST 763.3 DRWN 770.15 MXW 774.92 GOL 780.03 TUX 787.23 SWR 792.6 LPH 804.04 CKP 813.52 BRM 824.26 YY-RKSO 831.62 18 stations RKSN 833.67 MMV 841.23 1 stations SINI 848.95 BRBS 855.92 1 stations GMH 864.96 ADTP 870.99 1 stations TATA 875.65 SLJR 878.64 GVDP 882.55 ASB 890.19 RHE 894.95 GUD 901.91 GTS 911.88 CHGA 917.65 DVM 923.95 KKPR 933.38 CKU 942.37 KNM 948.55 GII 956.18 KATB 964.53 JGM 971.77 BNB 979.29 SUA 987.04 KSO 994.95 KKQ 1002.36 NPTY 1004.82 KGPW 1007.56 20 stations KGP 1009.48 JPR 1016.52 MPD 1022.32 SMCK 1028.26 BCK 1033.68 DUAN 1036.84 RDU 1039.94 HAUR 1044.35 KHAI 1048.77 8 stations PKU 1053.95 PKEO 1056.26 NPMR 1057.26 BOP 1060.98 NDGJ 1063.32 MCA 1066.22 KIG 1069.43 DTE 1073.68 GGTA 1076.73 BZN 1079.46 KGY 1084.88 BSBP 1088.36 ULB 1092.48 FLR 1094.76 CGA 1097.41 BVA 1100.48 NALR 1104.31 ABB 1106.8 SGTY 1107.47 SEL 1108.69 ADL 1112.27 MRGM 1113.99 21 stations SRC 1117.1
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