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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 15013/Ranikhet Express
Shortest Route: 142 Stations. 1057 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 141 Stations Km JSM 0.0 THM 18.69 JCH 41.97 SBLT 63.0 OCH 84.54 AQG 101.89 YY-POKB 102.83 RDRA 109.38 MKHR 130.09 MBT 145.59 8 stations PLCJ 155.97 YY-PLCC 159.32 MAAR 168.9 BAF 191.71 SIRD 209.24 NKRA 229.77 DTRD 251.96 KLYT 268.2 CHNH 275.16 GJN 283.54 DBK 289.33 NAL 303.35 XX-LGHC 313.12 12 stations LGH 314.31 BKN 318.2 BECN 325.74 GDW 334.23 NPS 344.94 BLSR 353.99 SDF 367.29 BS 379.7 SDGH 391.3 BIGA 405.4 BGRM 411.12 STNR 416.03 PSV 427.44 RJR 438.26 PYI 447.32 RGCR 449.6 14 stations RTGH 455.12 MIO 472.02 SMNN 477.08 JOH 481.43 DEP 490.5 4 stations CUR 498.03 ASLU 512.63 SRSL 521.47 DKX 526.76 HYL 539.81 DKWA 547.43 5 stations SDLP 555.85 YY-SDLB 558.15 KDHN 565.21 HR 569.21 BWBN 576.46 GLKN 580.41 RMB 585.01 PVZ 593.59 KLSP 598.63 8 stations LHU 605.76 SAWN 611.88 STNL 622.83 NWN 627.34 NDRT 633.06 ZP 638.83 MHRG 646.62 BJWS 657.87 GRKA 660.2 KNNK 662.98 DZB 671.84 NNU 684.29 11 stations RE 697.07 XX-REO 698.17 KWMD 703.63 KIP 707.46 IHP 713.81 PTRD 718.3 JSKA 723.72 TNJR 726.6 PT 730.18 8 stations GHH 738.45 BDXT 744.34 GGN 748.3 PLVR 752.0 BWSN 754.89 SMDP 758.19 PM 761.6 NSN 764.03 DEC 765.32 DEBS 765.71 PTNR 772.03 DBSI 773.86 VVKP 774.93 DKZ 776.69 XX-DKZO 777.46 14 stations DLI 779.42 DSA 785.95 XX-DSAO 787.02 VVB 788.63 DSAP 790.1 3 stations SBB 793.0 GZB 799.77 MFH 807.06 AKNR 809.97 DS 813.06 LAKN 818.65 PKW 825.35 KKMB 829.77 6 stations HPU 836.57 BBO 844.34 QXR 850.01 SKHR 854.68 SMBL 856.95 GMS 866.56 GGB 873.27 KHE 879.5 7 stations GJL 887.18 MHHR 894.3 KFPR 898.36 AMRO 910.07 KIV 918.54 CKLT 923.83 HKP 928.32 LDP 933.3 MBWC 938.41 8 stations MB 940.6 KGF 944.33 KGFR 945.21 KGFE 946.12 DLP 952.69 MPH 959.17 5 stations RMU 967.84 CHRU 976.3 KEMR 986.3 BLQR 994.65 RUPC 1012.68 CHAP 1020.58 HLDD 1026.68 6 stations LKU 1034.37 HDW 1050.57 1 stations KGM 1056.6
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