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Close-up; Night Pic; Side View; Small TB; Sleeper; Outside of Train; Standing at Station;
Medium; Side View; Large TB; EOG/SLR; Outside of Train; Standing;
12674/Cheran SF Express (PT) चेरन सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस
Latest News (You need to double-check/verify this info yourself) 📢 JCF 08.05.2021 to 31.05.2021 will remain cancelled due to poor patronization.Thu May 06, 2021 (02:57PM)
Bedroll/Linen :
AVAILABLE change Inaugural Run Thu Jul 05, 1984
Pantry/Catering ✕ Pantry Car ✕ On-board Catering ✕ E-Catering
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RSA - Rake Sharing RSA with 12623/12624. Total 4 rakes PM @ CBE
Rating: 3.5 /5 (60 votes)
ticket avbl - average (13)
LHB Rake
Rake/Coach Position
Cheran SF Express (PT)/12674 is a component of the Following Chains 10 ΣChains 24216 --
Σ POY-CNV-MAS &... 1 POY 20:30 MAS 07:00 10h 30m 7 541 km ~ 24192 --
Σ CBE-MCN/BHEL WJR ... 1 CBE 22:50 AJJ 06:25 7h 35m 8 426 km ~ 14368 ✓
Σ cbe tnm ONT &... 1 CBE 22:50 VM 09:15 10h 25m 16 526 km ER_PRAGADESH_SK_NGT^~ 13052 --
Σ Coimbatore Guwahat... 1 CBE 22:50 DBRG 14:30 87h 40m 38 3653 km Siddharth S^~ 12642 ✓
Σ TRIVANDRUM(KVCL)-C... 1 KCVL 12:50 MAS 07:00 18h 10m 7 898 km Ashwin Kumar M A 11477 --
Σ Madgaon Chennai&nb... 1 DR 20:40 MAS 07:00 58h 20m 7 2247 km Siddharth S^~ 7071 ✓
Σ Coimbatore - Puri ... 2 CBE 22:50 PURI 06:25 55h 35m 22 2198 km Anonymous1218~ 6200 ✕
Σ CBE-MAS Σ... 3 MTP 21:20 MAS 22:50 49h 30m 10 1026 km soundarjas86 5452 ✓
Σ Tiruchirappalli - ... 1 KIK 16:30 MAS 07:00 14h 30m 7 681 km Capt MOHANDASS ARICHANDRAN 42 ✓
Σ Cheran - Navajivan... 1 CBE 22:50 ADI 18:00 43h 10m 43 2387 km Siddharth S^~
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