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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 11062/Pawan Express 11034/Darbhanga - Pune Express 15551/Darbhanga - Varanasi City Antyodaya Express
Shortest Route: 94 Stations. 391 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 93 Stations Km DBG 0.0 LSI 4.86 TLWA 9.42 HYT 15.48 RBZ 20.51 KSP 27.02 MKPR 33.38 6 stations SPJ 37.22 BLRI 41.83 UJP 46.31 NAZJ 52.58 BSRA 56.21 DSS 60.43 STJT 65.05 6 stations BCA 71.59 FAH 76.16 SPPA 77.61 VPDA 82.21 HBP 86.73 MOG 92.11 RJJN 95.56 NNNL 99.66 SPP 104.92 BDUA 108.91 MNO 112.82 SDG 117.81 DES 122.55 GKHT 124.66 CSR 127.04 DHBI 129.33 AYRN 132.28 CKRD 136.34 17 stations HJP 142.77 SEE 148.09 BPGJ 151.98 DGBH 160.47 1 stations PPTA 163.43 DNR 169.37 NEO 175.17 GNHI 178.09 SDE 182.17 PATL 184.35 BTA 186.71 PAIL 192.69 KWR 195.16 KUA 198.79 JMIR 204.18 9 stations ARA 208.68 JGWL 211.97 MTBH 214.63 KRS 218.53 KYA 222.78 XSAN 224.72 RNTE 226.17 BEA 230.1 ASJP 233.85 BYN 235.97 SKRI 240.15 RPR 244.59 VKDH 249.12 TWG 253.24 VVG 257.35 DURE 260.75 KPHH 265.26 BUE 267.87 NDON 273.49 BXR 277.17 PWXP 283.06 CSA 288.05 BQW 294.0 GMR 297.59 KKRH 301.31 BWH 305.37 USK 309.07 26 stations DLN 313.35 DRV 320.31 ZNA 326.84 BHCL 331.8 DHA 339.24 TLAM 346.52 SLD 352.82 KCA 360.48 EOCM 364.29 JTHT 366.6 MGSO 366.9 MGMY 368.62 11 stations DDU 371.04 NEWC 372.28 VYN 377.05 BBRM 380.24 KEI 382.45 4 stations BSB 387.88 BCY 391.15
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