News Entry# 0 Train No. 12951 (Mumnbai-New Delhi TejasRajdhani)scheduledtodeparton18.01.25at17:00hrs has been rescheduled to depart at 21:20 hrs duetothepairingrakerunninglate.
News Entry# 0 Train No. 12951 MumbaiCentral-New Delhi RajdhaniExpof16.01.2025 has been rescheduled to depart exMumbaiCentral at 21.20 hrs insteadofitsscheduleddepartureat17.00hrs
Train No. 12951 (Mumnbai-New Delhi Tejas Rajdhani) scheduled to depart on 18.01.25 at 17:00 hrs has been rescheduled to depart at 21:20 hrs due to the pairing rake running late. Please plan your journey accordingly. We regret the inconvenience caused.
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