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Shortest Route: 142 Stations. 789 km.
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 141 Stations Km HW 0.0 JWP 3.98 IKK 8.63 PRI 13.45 ATMO 19.49 LRNC 25.05 LRJC 25.87 DSNI 28.92 LDR 33.82 DNRA 38.8 RK 41.64 IQB 49.04 CDL 55.73 CBBH 55.85 SNKE 61.32 BAE 66.39 HNC 70.21 KJGY 71.84 17 stations TPZ 73.75 MNZ 84.79 JDHH 87.69 BNQL 89.78 RPMN 94.51 SNAP 99.87 NNX 106.07 THBN 115.99 TBTN 118.63 HHP 122.74 UPRD 124.39 HIND 126.9 SLWR 130.31 SMQL 137.65 GLBN 142.12 KZI 145.05 KQL 151.51 AILM 157.3 ASAR 159.79 BDHP 163.31 KPKI 167.23 BAOL 172.0 BTU 176.84 BADK 179.53 AIH 182.37 SUJR 186.4 BPM 192.68 AHQ 195.63 SFA 198.63 KEX 202.37 FAP 205.69 GTRA 208.99 NTG 213.21 NOLI 216.71 BHHZ 219.45 GPSL 221.32 DSBC 224.38 36 stations DSA 225.33 DLI 231.86 XX-DKZO 233.82 DKZ 234.59 VVKP 236.35 DBSI 237.42 PTNR 239.25 DEBS 245.57 DEC 245.96 NSN 247.25 PM 249.68 SMDP 253.09 BWSN 256.39 PLVR 259.28 GGN 262.98 BDXT 266.94 14 stations GHH 272.83 PT 281.1 TNJR 284.68 JSKA 287.56 PTRD 292.98 IHP 297.47 KIP 303.82 KWMD 307.65 XX-REO 313.11 8 stations RE 314.21 KORI 325.14 PALI 330.48 KUND 337.2 KTWS 342.19 AEL 351.81 MBV 358.71 NNL 366.08 APJ 373.88 NIP 380.35 DBLA 391.52 JLLO 399.25 MADA 406.71 NMK 416.04 BAGA 425.21 KAWT 436.46 KHRA 443.47 SMPR 452.91 17 stations RGS 462.93 KMNP 472.81 BDHL 480.48 PCMK 488.09 RNW 495.48 MNHA 500.73 BILA 506.16 SFE 512.46 KNDL 519.43 PKBS 524.43 9 stations FL 529.84 SBR 537.4 GA 545.19 GVMR 555.84 NAC 565.06 NYK 571.54 THMR 575.96 KMNC 580.74 7 stations MKN 594.64 BOW 600.36 BSRL 611.88 GCH 623.29 3 stations DNA 638.34 JACN 645.63 JAC 651.25 REN 665.11 KQW 672.13 XX-MTDC 681.2 5 stations MTD 682.33 JOM 692.69 GOTN 702.21 KXG 708.84 UMED 719.79 SWF 730.2 5 stations PPR 738.72 KSW 745.2 AAS 754.25 JWL 763.2 BNO 771.33 JUCT 777.48 5 stations RKB 783.27 JU 785.28 1 stations BGKT 789.1
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