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12556/Gorakhdham SF Express (PT) गोरखधाम सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस
Latest News (You need to double-check/verify this info yourself) JCO 31/12/23 is rescheduled to depart from Bathinda by 20:00 (delay by 5:45 hrs) due to late arrival of Pairing Train.Sun Dec 31, 2023 (04:49PM)
News History 12555/56 Gorakhdham Express will be diverted via Manak Nagar - Aishbagh - Barabanki till 29.11.2022.Thu Nov 24, 2022 (12:04PM)
New Stoppage of train no. 12556 Hisar – Gorakhpur Gorakhdham Exp. at Kalanaur Kalan (KLNK) station on experimental basis w.e.f. 24.06.2022 for a period of six monthsThu Jun 23, 2022 (04:18PM)
New CC; |EOG-1| |SLR/D-1| | 2S-7| | SL-8| |2AC-1| |3AC-3| |1AC 2AC-1| New CC effective wef 28.06.2021Sat Jun 19, 2021 (12:30PM)
Bedroll/Linen :
AVAILABLE change Inaugural Run Thu Jul 12, 2001
Pantry/Catering ✕ Pantry Car
✓ On-board Catering ✓ E-Catering
E-Catering is Only Available at Bhatinda, Sirsa, Hisar, Bhiwani, Rohtak, New ...
more... Delhi & Gorakhpur
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RSA - Rake Sharing RSA with 15003 – 15004. An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Train. PM @ GKP/NER.
Rating: 3.7 /5 (289 votes)
ticket avbl - average (50)
railfanning - excellent (49)
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12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss CNB/Knpr 12556/ गोरखधाम एक्सप्रेस || बठिंडा - गोरखपुर !!!
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NDLS/Nw Dlh Travelled in Gorakhdham Express from Ndls to Gkp on 23rd April.Due...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss BV/Bbhnn 12556 Bhatinda - Gorakhpur, Gorakhdham sf express has got it's stoppage...
12555/Grkhdhm SF Exprss GKP/Grkhpr NO.T/515/UNION/2023/NER (1) in reference to NERMU/E/301/13/3/2/PART-11 B dated 13.02.24 and railway...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss BV/Bbhnn 12556 skipping Babhnan (BV) at MPS.
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss SSA/Srs Clicked at SSA, on July 23,2022
12555/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NRW/Nrwn *गोरखपुर-हिसार-गोरखपुर गोरखधाम एक्सप्रेस रेलसेवा का कलानौर कलां स्टेशन पर ठहराव* रेलवे द्वारा...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss GKP/Grkhpr Gorakhdham Express Full Journey in Ac 2 Tier..
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NDLS/Nw Dlh Travelled in Gorakhdham Express from Ndls to Gkp on 23rd April.Due...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss BV/Bbhnn 12556 Bhatinda - Gorakhpur, Gorakhdham sf express has got it's stoppage...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NDLS/Nw Dlh Kindly Set the image for train profile.
@NDLS on time@NDLS: New Delhi &0 km/h #12556: Gorakhdham SF Express...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss SSA/Srs विक्रम संवत २०७९ आषाढ़ कृष्ण पक्ष प्रतिपदा तिथि (१४ जुलाई २०२२)...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NRW/Nrwn ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़:- *गोरखधाम सुपर फास्ट एक्सप्रेस* को हरियाणा के *सबसे लोकप्रिय*...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss SFH/Sfdbd "Setting forth on a morning Journey, bathed in sunlight."Gorakhdham Express at...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NDLS/Nw Dlh Travelled in Gorakhdham Express from Ndls to Gkp on 23rd April.Due...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss BV/Bbhnn 12556 Bhatinda - Gorakhpur, Gorakhdham sf express has got it's stoppage...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss BHT/Bhtt Additional halt at bhattu
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss ALJN/Algrh What a brutal skip happened yesterday at ALJN, since Senani was...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NRW/Nrwn 12555/56 गोरखपुर-हिसार-गोरखपुर गोरखधाम सुपरफास्ट एक्सप्रेस का विस्तार सिरसा के रास्ते बठिण्डा...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss Blast From The Past ! 🌟GORAKHDHAM EXPRESS🌟Hispano Suiza 5800 NGT Turbocharger...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NDLS/Nw Dlh Travelled in Gorakhdham Express from Ndls to Gkp on 23rd April.Due...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss BV/Bbhnn 12556 Bhatinda - Gorakhpur, Gorakhdham sf express has got it's stoppage...
#12556: Gorakhdham SF Express skipping tdl
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss BV/Bbhnn 12556 Gorakhdham crossing Babhnan
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss HSR/Hsr हिसार से मेरे सभी साथियों का बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद जिन्होंने मुझे...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NDLS/Nw Dlh Travelled in Gorakhdham Express from Ndls to Gkp on 23rd April.Due...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss NDLS/Nw Dlh Travelled in Gorakhdham Express from Ndls to Gkp on 23rd April.Due...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss GKP/Grkhpr कितना गलत न्यूज़ बताती है हिंदुस्तान न्यूज़ पेपर, इस ट्रेन में...
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss 2ac ka hal... twitter complain...akhir q???
12556/Grkhdhm SF Exprss SSA/Srs Clicked at SSA, on July 23,2022
12560/Shv Gng Exprss Is this true
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