There is no production of Vande Bharat rakes from past 3 months may be to produce LHB rakes being used in Kumbh Mela. ICF may go for another 4 20 coach rakes that will be replacing 16 coaches and released will be used for some 8 coach upgrade. In this reshuffle 1 20 C, 1 16C 2 8C are available and will be used as spares. Some 8 coach rakes of April 2023 have completed 21 months and need to go to OEM maintenance. Total 35 rakes of 8 coaches are there and to do OEM they require 4-6 rakes spare in next 6 months. At the same time Amrit Bharat rakes also in production line aa revealed by RM. So we may expect next round of introductions only in Feb end or March. along with UBSRL after Delhi election code of Feb 10th.