Any idea what went wrong with CKP-HWH EXP between SINI & KANDRA ?? 30-40 mins delay is understandable, but 4 hrs delay ? 🤔 18014 was standing at ADRA for more than 6 hrs because of this. Can't 18014 & 18012 be de-linked?
RB is squeezing SER to stabilize its operating ratio. And that's everything it cares for this zone. They don't bother whether passengers' convenience are reverting to private transport or public. The numbers of capital investments must stay high in headlines, doesn't matter if at all it is benefiting the zone.
I think there is another solution. This train should only run as HWH-CKP exp via BKSC, this train will go to BKSC, and then it will come back to its existing route PRR, and I believe, it won't affect much to intermediate pax. Because of its odd timing and slow service. Or should separate the HWH- BKSC exp and HWH- CKP should go via TATA
18012 was the first ever service introduced to compensate owing for the connectivity loss that the original BNR segment of SINI-ASN intermediate endured after completion of SINI-HWH Chord line via KGP. Fast forward till today it's still the only regular train connecting CKP to ADRA-KGP intermediate. In reserved segment 18012 is very vital for PRR-HWH sector given the scarce railway connectivity against the demand. 18014 too serves all stations till VSU for HWH, which are left unserved by 18012. This equation can't be changed. Only solution is multi-tracking SINI-DMA to enhance overall... more...
New Delhi: The first 16-car Vande Bharat Sleeper Train Set, which successfully completed long distance trials on January 15 now needs Research Designs and Standards Organisation's (RDSO) certification and the Commissioner of Railway Safety's nod before going for commercial operation, the Railway Board said on Thursday. "Before...
जमशेदपुर में आरपीएफ जवानों ने रेल संपत्ति चोरी के मामले में जुगसलाई गरीब नवाज कॉलोनी से चूहा नामक आरोपी को पकड़ लिया। इसके अलावा, केबुल काटने के मामले में फरार मो. सलमान भी गिरफ्तार हुआ। दोनों को... जमशेदपुर।...
कुण्डवा चैनपुर में रक्सौल दरभंगा रेल खंड के रामरूपनगर हॉल्ट के पास एक युवक का शव मिला। शव की पहचान 18 वर्षीय नवल कुमार के रूप में हुई, जिसका सिर धड़ से अलग था। परिजनों ने हत्या की आशंका जताई है। पुलिस... कुण्डवा...
मोतिहारी में केंद्रीय रेल मंत्री अश्विनी वैष्णव के दौरे को लेकर डीआरएम विनय श्रीवास्तव ने मुजफ्फरपुर-बेतिया रेलखंड पर चल रही विकासात्मक परियोजनाओं का निरीक्षण किया। उन्होंने स्टेशन पुनर्विकास परियोजना... मोतिहारी,...
रेलमंत्री के संभावित दौरे को लेकर महाप्रबंधक छत्रसाल सिंह शुक्रवार को मुजफ्फरपुर-गवनाहा रेलखंड का निरीक्षण करेंगे। पाटलिपुत्रा जंक्शन से स्पेशल सैलून से निकलकर, वे हाजीपुर होते हुए संबंधित रूट का... मुजफ्फरपुर,...
In response to past confusions with Train/Station updates and resulting fights and controversies, the following clear and objective guidelines are being issued, with no room for any arguments or debates about validity. Also, included, some other changes with respect to Ratings.
1. All Red Ratings will require further explanation. Red Ratings won't...
As announced previously, there are a few changes coming to IRI user accounts, based on past practices.
1. As before, you will be able to quickly DELETE your IRI User account at ANY time. However, the menu option for this was hidden in the profile page, and could not easily be located....
A new feature will be released soon, whereby you can follow blogs tagged with specific Trains & Stations. If you have already posted blogs tagged with some Train/Station, then you will be set to automatically follow that Train/Station. Thereafter, any future news/blogs tagged with those Trains/Stations will be marked to your...
These days, every other day, we are getting requests from members to allow email login to their FB-based IRI account. 10 years ago, we had given the option for users to login through FaceBook - in retrospect, this was a mistake. These days, apparently, users are quitting FaceBook in droves because...
Followup to: Fmt Changes
The new version of FmT 2.0 will soon be here - in about 2 weeks. As detailed in the previous announcement, many of the old FmT features like Train TT, Speedometer, Geo Location, etc. will be REMOVED. It will be a bare-bones simple app, focused on trip blogging.
There are some changes coming to FMT. Many of the features of FMT, like station arrival, TT, speed, geo, passing times, station time, etc. are ALREADY available in OTHER railway apps. So all of these features will be REMOVED.
We'll have ONLY BLOGGING - quick upload of pics/videos/audio, etc. You may attach...
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