TT Year between 1961-65. The North Bank Express, Kamrup Express (Old) & Kamrup Express (Present) were different trains and the Present BG Kamrup Express had no link with it. The old Kamrup Express was between Barauni to Dibrugarh Town (probably) via Amingaon. And the Present BG Kamrup Express was inaugurated between HWH & NBQ, later extended to DBRG.
Mr. Somanko /blog/post/5547502 In some TT, North Bank & 59/60 Kamrup Exp are different!! Me: /blog/post/5547502 59/60 Kamrup & North Bank never co-exist You were suppose to show 59/60 Kamrup & North Bank exist on same route (on or after 1971 as 59/60 never exist earlier)!! Its no news that 3/4 & 5/6 Kamrup were different /blog/post/5547501 but you & Mr.... more...
Somanko need to show 59/60 coexist with North Bank!!
Kindly void as bloggers unable to provide co-existing evidence of 59/60 Kamrup & 5/6 North Bank 1971 onwards!! Further, no inaugural evidence provided for 59/60 (which hardly matters as it took over NJP-NBQ BG from 5/6 Kamrup pushing Gauge interchange from NJP to NBQ in 1971)!!
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