As you can see in This pic(in this very post)The parking bays are all lying vacant...So You can conveniently park your car/SUV at the nearest spot which is where those 3 cars were parked,shown in my previous post...
Plus 1 more advantage with this parking lot is that If you dont have to go inside the Railway station premises,and have to drop some1 just near the gate or if you just have to book or buy a reserved or unreserved ticket from the counter,then You can get these tickets from the Ticket counter very fast here as the queues here are very very small(generally of 3-6 people,,as I"ve observed while taking platform tickets here,which gets done in around 2minutes flat)..Plus,in this case...
more... of You not needing to go inside the Railway station premises,You can park your car right near the ticket counter as exactly like this white Indigo which is parked here for3-5 minutes....
please wait...Translate to EnglishYo check it out, in this pic the parking spots are all empty... So you can easily park your ride at the closest spot where those 3 cars were parked in my last post. And guess what, another perk of this parking lot is that if you don't have to actually enter the train station area, and just need to drop someone at the gate or grab a ticket from the counter, you can do it super quick here. The lines are short, like 3-6 folks max. I've noticed while buying platform tickets, it takes only about 2 minutes. And if you're just doing a quick drop or ticket run, you can park right by the ticket spot, like that white Indigo chilling there for a few minutes.