If you are planning to travel by this train to Satna, Allahabad or Mughal Sarai stations it is better to book tickets on the very fast day of opening of booking that too on the very first thirty minutes. In case of festive season it is advised to book on first five minutes otherwise you will never find a confirm seat in this train. There is a modus operandi of brokers. They book ticket of these destinations on the very first day particularly weekends.
Secondly if you get WL ticket even it is in two digit never be sure of getting confirm because when the charting is done, the numbers behind you get confirmation and remain waiting. It has happened to...
more... me. I had booked ticket on the very first day and got WL -2 of AC-3 in Dec season and on the day of journey it remained on WL-2.
So be wise and plan accordingly.