Wanna just present a suggestion for generating revenue of our site, so that we can avail various features on our site like live running status, etc ! I discussed this below idea with Moderator sir and he suggested to discuss in public forum for reaching a consensus.
Kindly note, we are not going to deviate from being a rail informative site, we may just add an extra feature.
In India, there are vast number of people who face daily life problems like Career, Love/Relationship, etc. for this they have strong belief on consulting astrologers and a lot of astrological apps and astrologers on these apps are earning by providing solutions and satisfaction to their customers.
Can we develop an app like some prominent Astrology apps in Google Play ? This may include live streaming of astrologers/psychic readers/tarot readers/life coach for chat, video call with public charging them with specific rupees per minute for call/chat or call during live streaming for energy exhange. In beginning, we can start with a limited amount of astrologers so that we don't initially get load for payment to them on our site. We have a vast number of members/monitors who may know astrology or might be life coach or tarot reader we may connect them for this, so if you have knowledge about this can come up and get appointed as an Astrologer and in Astro Monitor Forum (which is not created yet), if we come up to a consensus on this for creating this feature. Plus we may attract a large number of audience/customers as already we have massive number of people who visit our site for rail information daily. We may put a seperate section on our site to redirect them to the astrology section by connecting it to our new app of astrology, this will connect people and will help to generate revenue for our site.
Once, we get good response and collect revenue we may start paying a certain share of their work to the astrologers but for the beginning the astrologer should join on voluntary basis.
Please visit a prominent Astrology app on Play Store for getting an idea for this. Our site may get good revenue by this if we develop such astrology feature and can avail more features like live train running status, etc.